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 Montreal Fireworks Forum —› News —› Schedule 2015 - Horaire 2015
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Posted: Mar 26, 2015 08:22:50

Voici la programmation 2015 qui vient d'être dévoilée:

Ouverture - La Ronde - B.E.M Feux d'artifice -Mercredi 1er juillet - Saluons nos troupes - Venez fêter le 1er juillet sur la musique de l'orchestre du Royal 22e Régiment

Angleterre - Jubilee Fireworks - Samedi 4 juillet - Vive la Différence ! - Une célébration de la différence, un voyage au coeur de la diversité

Italie - A.P.E. Parente - Samedi 11 juillet - Pyro Rock'n'roll - L'histoire fabuleuse du rock 'n' roll, une expérience pyromusicale entraînante et amusante

Canada - Archangel Fireworks Inc. - Mercredi 15 juillet - Armageddon - La fin ou un commencement encore plus grand ?

Hong Kong, Chine - Vulcan - Samedi 18 juillet - Sur la route ! - Prendre la route en musique, l'expérience ultime !

États-Unis - Rozzi's Famous Fireworks - Samedi 25 juillet - Les saisons de la vie - Voyage pyromusical enivrant au fil des quatre saisons de Vivaldi

France - JCO - Mercredi 29 juillet - Le Cirque « dynamite » ! - Invitation à un cirque pyromusical époustouflant; divertissement, humour et émotions assurés !

Finale des Étoiles Loto-Québec - Pyro Spectaculars by Souza & La Ronde - Samedi 1er août - Hommage à Madonna - Bougez, dansez au rythme irrésistible des succès de cette icône de la pop !

http://www.newswire.ca/fr/story/1508141/l-international-des-feux-loto- quebec-devoile-son-calendrier-2015-sur-la-route-avec-vivaldi-et-madonn a

Posted: Mar 26, 2015 08:43:03

I think that it's a bit of an underwhelming schedule for Montreal. Looking forward to the shows by jubilee and JCO. The finale show must be good too.

Best Regards,

Posted: Mar 26, 2015 16:35:41

Posted: Mar 29, 2015 23:50:48

The almost total lack of comment here (so far) is a bit surprising: I was hoping to hear a little about some of the new contenders. I, for one, was very pleased to see Vulcan invited back. After the major screw-up during their 2013 presentation, there were several comments to the effect that if their firing system had operated correctly they might have delivered a really exceptional show. As someone who was in the bleachers for that show I agree, so I'm hoping for something exceptional this time.

Posted: Mar 31, 2015 17:44:56

I have mixed feelings regarding this schedule. On one side, I am concerned that the Montreal festival may be less competitive than in the past, with a more limited number of contestants: at least one half of the contestants will be on the podium, potentially more with the Green and Music Awards! With a such limited number of displays, I would have preferred to get a 7th contestant instead of an off-competition opening show. However, we had six last year and that was a great season with fantastic shows, so we will see. Furthermore, this is a very North American line-up (1 out 2 displays) and I wonder whether it allows to decrease the cost of transportation that La Ronde must pay.

On the other side, I am - and I am sure that many people will be - very happy with the return of Vulcan. It is rare to have a company which comes back less than 3 years after a display, this is certainly due to the problems experienced in 2013 and the (apparent) way that Vulcan dealt with them. I have a very clear souvenir (and a video!) of the designer's speech in the Salon des artificiers right after the show. I believe that other contestants should be afraid of what Vulcan can achieve.

I still wonder about any coordination between La Ronde and those who organize the Canada Day fireworks display in the Old Port on July 1st. Are we going to be allowed to stay later in the grandstands that night, and get a doubleheader?

PyroSpectaculars by Souza did great shows in the past, including a successful tribute to Elvis Presley in 2007. Without a doubt, it is a great decision to award them the contract to perform the Feu des étoiles this year.

The month of July should be great on the fireworks side. I hope that weather will cooperate! Trav?


Posted: May 15, 2015 08:38:28

Salut Fred, Paul et tous les membres de ce site

Je prends connaissance de la liste des firmes participantes pour l'édition 2015 de l'International des Feux Loto Québec.
Ouais il y a des firmes que je ne connais pas ou peu.

SVP..un conseil...si je devais CHOISIR un feu pour le voir en direct des sièges de la Ronde
lequel me conseillez-vous???

Merci de votre AIDE . Je m'ennuie des Feux.


Posted: May 21, 2015 23:59:21

I suppose that I am a little late to make any comments regarding the schedule, but it appears that everything that I wanted to say has already been voiced here!

Like Fred, I also do have mixed feelings regarding 2015's schedule. For one, as I mentioned previously, I find the presentation dates a little confusing, and it certainly feels strange having not a single display in the month of June (and begin the competition on Canada Day for the first time)! It also most definitely feels strange only having six competitors.

What I do very much like, however, is that, as posters above enthusiastically expressed, Vulcan of Hong Kong/China is returning to the competition! I am very eager to see their display and what it will entail. There are also several new firms, so I am wondering what they will have to offer! I am also very much anticipating the Italian and closing displays.

As for the weather, in summary, I am anticipating a warmer (as compared to last year) late-Spring and Summer this year, including more days with 30+ Celsius (perhaps 10-12 such days for the island of Montreal) and higher humidity levels. I also suspect more (severe) thunderstorm days. My full outlook can be found here (originally released on St-Patrick's Day):

https://www.facebook.com/notes/travis-moore/winter-2014-2015-and-a-loo k-ahead-to-spring-and-summer-2015/10153156041081346?pnref=lhc

There is also an enhanced likelihood for a warm late-Fall and Winter 2015-2016 with the projected strengthening of the current El Nino into this Summer.


Posted: Jun 14, 2015 16:58:18

Glad to see B.E.M back on track!

I will be there for the italy display for sure!


Posted: Jun 23, 2015 20:22:31   Edited by: fredbastien

Early in this thread, I wondered about a possible coordination between the La Ronde and the Old Port's Canada Day fireworks displays:

I still wonder about any coordination between La Ronde and those who organize the Canada Day fireworks display in the Old Port on July 1st. Are we going to be allowed to stay later in the grandstands that night, and get a doubleheader?

Well, their is a coordination, for sure, but not really the coordination I hoped for. Montreal Canada Day website, which lists the activities scheduled in the Old Port, indicates that this year fireworks are going to be launched at 10pm from La Ronde. So the opening display of this edition of the Montreal International Fireworks Competition is not an independent show, but one made within a broader partnership with the organizers of the Canada Day activities.


It may explain the theme of this show. It would not be a surprise that a tribute to our soldiers is one of the mandatory (or prioritized) themes to emphasize in order to get funding from Heritage Canada. A couple of years ago, a (well-known!) pyro designer told me that such requirements exist and that was the reason (or one of the reasons) he did a show to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee.

This situation also raises a more serious concern. The financial situation of the event may be worst than we believe. I assume that a part of the budget for this opening display comes from Heritage Canada, as part of the Canada Day activities. It would mean that, without this partnership, we might have only 7 shows this year…

I am certainly not going to blame the organizers for a such partnership whether it was the way to get in one more show. It may be a sign of creativity in hard times. But, hopefully, a new sponsor will be found soon.


Posted: Jun 28, 2015 10:53:48


J'ai bien aimé ton dernier commentaire Fred. Il me fait comprendre .
Le gouvernement fédéral Harper vient de s'acheter un feu de la Ronde pour servir encore une fois ses fins de propagande. " Hommage à nos troupes" pour essayer de faire oublier à quel point ces jeunes qui reviennent de l'Iraq, Afganistan et d'ailleurs et dont plusieurs reviennent au pays blessés dans leur corps et dans leur âme, reçoivent bien peu d'attention et de services ceci incluant leurs proches.

Bien hâte d'entendre tout ce que dira Big Brother pour se donner bonne conscience.
Bel exercice d'hypocrisie.

Moi c'est la pyrotechnie qui m'intéresse. Je n'ai jamais participé à leurs fêtes mais je vais regarder le travail de BEM de la Rive Sud.


Posted: Jun 29, 2015 07:13:30

À cette étape-ci, il ne s'agit que d'une hypothèse. Peut-être aurons-nous plus d'informations, au cours de la semaine, sur le contexte de production de ce feu d'ouverture.

Le gouvernement actuel n'est pas le premier à politiser ses activités de communication. D'ailleurs, à la fin des années 1990/début des années 2000, La Ronde en avait financièrement bénéficié alors que les gouvernements du Canada et du Québec se livraient une «guerre de drapeaux», dans la foulée du référendum. Comme d'autres lieux, La Ronde en était un champ de bataille: on se souviendra, d'un côté, de la «Place du Canada», de la Spirale aux couleurs du gouvernement fédéral et du «Minirail transcanadien»; et de l'autre, du Boomerang commandité par le ministère du Tourisme et, bien sûr, de la commandite de la SAQ. Le premier ministre du Québec (Bernard Landry) et la ministre responsable de la SAQ et ministre des Finances de l'époque (Pauline Marois) avaient d'ailleurs été présents à la cérémonie de clôture des feux en 2001 ou 2002.

Par ailleurs, La Presse publie ce matin un reportage sur l'état des finances de Loto-Québec. Le dernier paragraphe, portant sur les activités de commandite, peut aussi contribuer à expliquer la réduction des budgets de l'International des feux Loto-Québec:

http://affaires.lapresse.ca/economie/quebec/201506/28/01-4881601-loto- quebec-vivement-un-renouveau.php


Posted: Jun 29, 2015 10:04:37

This is one of the questions I will ask during tonight's interview with team BEM. For the display I did a couple of years ago, in the end, there was no Heritage Canada funding made available and I believe there has been none since as Harper determined that it was a waste to spend money in Quebec where it would not have any benefit for the Conservatives. This year's Canada Day display (which was to have been held yesterday but is now postponed until July 5th due to the weather) has a theme that is nothing to do with any public holiday - but is a celebration of the founding of the town on Knowlton by Paul Holland Knowlton who built a log cabin there 200 years ago ... and which was recently saved from demolition.


Posted: Jun 29, 2015 18:19:01

Just to note that the interview with team BEM has been postponed until tomorrow, Tuesday, as the team finished early today and were not available.


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