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 Montreal Fireworks Forum —› News —› Fire on Ice, December 3th - Royal Pyrotechnie
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Posted: Dec 2, 2005 05:54:06

Below, I post a segment of the press release edited today by the Old Port about the forthcoming firework produced tomorrow by Royal Pyrotechnie, entitled "Symphony for a Winter's

I will send my comments about this show in this section of the forum.


MONTREAL, Dec. 2 /CNW Telbec/ - The refrigerated Bonsecours Basin skating rink in the Old Port of Montréal, visited by over 60,000 people every winter, will be opening at 10 a.m. on December 3, for beginning skaters, fancy dancers and anyone who just enjoys this ideal winter sport. The spotlight's on a great
new attraction this year, in addition to the regular great line-up of
activities. On the first four Saturdays in December, at 7:30 p.m., the Old Port will be presenting four fabulous musical fireworks shows created by four internationally renowned Quebec teams. The first in the TELUS Fire on Ice series, by Royal Pyrotechnie, will be on the theme of Symphony for a Winter's Night. Launched from the Jacques Cartier Pier, the fireworks will light up the sky each evening, casting their bright, shimmering reflections across the snow and ice. The sparkling atmosphere is sure to add to the holiday magic!

For complete press release:

Posted: Dec 3, 2005 11:17:03

Hi Fred,

This sounds really fantastic. As Enkil and I said in the weather thread, make sure to dress warmly!

I wonder how it feels to watch fireworks in the cold? I look forward to your report, Fred.

The press release is pretty intriguing, as they always are.


Posted: Dec 4, 2005 08:45:44   Edited by: Salutes lover

Hi guys!

I did go watch the firework display yesterday evening (Saturday Dec. 3rd) and I really enjoyed it. I think we're really lucky here in Montreal, to get so many chances to see fireworks during the year. These four December displays helps me cope with the long wait before we get the 2006 season of the International competition in June. Wow, 4 displays during the winter, halfway before the Summer fireworks......I couldn't ask for more! It was fun to watch yesterday's display in the Old Port. The air was crisp and the wind was cold, but I was dressed accordingly and it was pure fun. It is so different from being on the bridge in warm weather, and that's what made it so special. I enjoyed the Christmas music played during the display and the synchronisation was perfect....specially during "Holy Night" with those red shells.....so appropriate for the occasion. The finale was exciting too, considering this was not part of any competition....just pure entertainment. I did feel some kind of magic yesterday evening, preparing for the Holidays and listening to Christmas music while watching fireworks. All we need now, is snow on the ground and everything will be perfect! I left right after the finale yesterday and when I realised that Madonna's new single "Hung up" was playing, I did stop and listened to it......love that song, love ABBA too.....they should use that song for a segment next Summer! What do you think, Trav? ;-)

I will definitely be back on Saturday December 10th.........if only it could be snowing during the fireworks........

Have a great week, everyone!


Posted: Dec 5, 2005 05:21:52   Edited by: fredbastien

Décidémment, le climat n'est pas clément à l'égard de Royal Pyrotechnie au Vieux-Port. Pour une deuxième année consécutive, il faisait froid et ventait fortement pendant ce spectacle pyromusical. Les vents ont lourdement affecté la construction des tableaux, les pièces éclatant à diverses altitudes étant très décentrées les unes par rapport aux autres: celles près du sol demeuraient en place, mais les autres éclatant au-dessus volaient rapidement vers... la Ronde!

Le spectacle a été un bon divertissement, mais quelque peu inégal. Cette "Symphonie pour une soirée d'hiver" rassemblait de la musique traditionnelle de Noël et d'autres pièces plus contemporaines. Le matériel déployé était principalement de petit et moyen calibres, avec beaucoup d'étoiles, de comètes et de bombettes. J'ignore si c'était l'effet des vents forts mais, au début du spectacle, des pièces incandescentes retombaient rapidement sur le quai Jacques-Cartier, transformé en rampe de lancement.

Vers la deuxième moitié du spectacle, le rythme s'est accéléré. J'ai particulièrement apprécié le tableau sur une musique que je crois être Contradanza de Vanessa Mae (avant-dernier tableau?). Des tourbillons jaillissaient du sol et de bombes, accompagnés par des crossettes et des gâteaux d'étoiles lancées successivement en éventail et en tirs chasses le long du quai. Royal Pyrotechnie a aussi intégré quelques "bombes flash" qu'elle avait présentées à Montréal en 2003, des fontaines blanches près du sol, des roues et quelques bombes créant des visages souriants... mais à la bouche plutôt étroite, peut-être gelée par le vent du Nord!

Contrairement à l'année dernière, Royal Pyrotechnie n'a pas présenté de pièces montées. Leur très fumigène sapin de Noël avait alors soumis les spectateurs à l'odeur du souffre, ce qui n'a pas été le cas cette année.

Pierre, en entendant cette chanson de ABBA reprise par Madonna, j'ai eu une pensée pour le feu présenté l'été dernier par l'équipe suédoise à La Ronde. Cette pièce musicale avait été entendue vers la fin de leur spectacle.

En terminant, j'ai vécu une mésaventure dont je me serais bien passé! Les piles de mon appareil-photo numérique ont été épuisées pendant que je filmais le spectacle. En retirant ma mitaine pour installer de nouvelles piles, j'ai échappé l'appareil sur le sol, puis il a glissé au bas du petit pont sur lequel je me trouvais. L'appareil s'est retrouvé sur la glace mais, celle-ci n'étant pas assez solide, je ne pouvais descendre pour récupérer l'appareil. J'ai laissé mes coordonnées à une préposée du Vieux-Port, mais je crois bien que je devrai acheter un nouvel appareil-photo avant le début du prochain Concours international d'art pyrotechnique de Montréal!


Posted: Dec 6, 2005 12:50:03

I was also there on Saturday and enjoyed the display despite the cold wind. This certainly affected the layering of the display in the sky, the shells being quickly blown over the St Laurent river.

I enjoyed the music and the synchronization and choice of pieces was excellent. I particularly enjoyed the segment which alternated beween red-headed and green-headed silver tailed comets. These were very festive I thought!

Sorry to hear about your camera Fred! Better to lose a camera than fall through the ice trying to rescue it.


Posted: Dec 9, 2005 11:13:09

It sounded like a very artistic display! I'm sure those Christmas colors were integrated in there, too.

Despite it being a cold night, I'm sure the fireworks still warmed your hearts.

Fred, the way you started off your third paragraph made me think of a finale.

Oh yes, I'm also sorry to hear about your camera!



Posted: Dec 11, 2005 06:31:00

Salut Fred,

En effet, l'équipe de la Suède a utilisé la chanson "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme" du groupe ABBA pour son feu de l'été dernier! C'est à se demander si Madonna était présente pendant ce feu, ce qui lui aurait donné l'idée de reprendre la chanson dans "Hung up"......

Pour retourner aux choses sérieuses, j'espère que tu as pu récupérer ton appareil-photo!

Bonne semaine!


Posted: Dec 13, 2005 20:46:33


You and I are ABBA lovers! BTW, do you like 80s and early 90s music?


Posted: Dec 14, 2005 12:30:39


You bet, I am an ABBA lover....more than that, I am an ABBA fanatic! LOL I have most of their CD's, two DVD's of their greatest hits videos and I listen to them on a regular basis.....and never get tired of them. Their songs are just timeless. When they use their song in firework displays, I really enjoy it. If you want to discuss about ABBA even more, maybe we can send each other emails? It would be fun. As for the music in general, I love the late 70's, the 80's and early 90's.......in the mid 90's, music as started to change drastically and I have never built an interest to this day.....so we seem to have another thing in common, my friend!

Talk to you later, Trav!


Posted: Dec 15, 2005 17:24:06


I'd be happy to share my thoughts with you on my favorite music. I simply love the 70s, 80s and early 90s. And I'm surprised, in a good way, that you also said that you lost interest in music form the latter part of the 90s. SO HAVE I. I was telling Enkil about this so much and he also agrees. Music sucks, for the most part, now than the beautiful music we remember.

I'll send you a list of my favorite songs. I'm sending one to Enkil, as well.



Posted: Dec 17, 2005 11:31:29


I got your email......and will reply to it very shortly. Thank you!


Posted: Dec 17, 2005 12:13:21

Hi Pierre,

Don't worry, it's not a big rush to reply quickly. Whenever you can, it's fine with me!


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