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 Montreal Fireworks Forum —› News —› Official Schedule 2007
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Posted: Dec 16, 2006 23:54:33

The official schedule has been posted on the L'international des feux loto-quebec website (http://www.internationaldesfeuxloto-quebec.com/en/programmation/Defau lt.asp).

The schedule is as follows:

Wednesday June 20, 2007 - Spain ~ Pirotecnia Igual
Wednesday June 27, 2007 - England ~ Pains Fireworks
Saturday July 7, 2007 - Mexico ~ Lux Pirotecnia, S.A. de C.V.
Wednesday July 11, 2007 - Hong Kong, China ~ Pyromagic Productions Ltd.
Saturday July 14, 2007 - United States ~ Pyro Specatulars by Souza
Wednesday July 18, 2007 - Canada ~ Fireworks Spectaculars Canada
Saturday July 21, 2007 - France ~ Feerie
Wednesday July 25, 2007 - Germany ~ IP
Saturday July 28, 2007 - Closing ~ Panzera S.A.S.

Its great to see Fireworks Spectaculars representing Canada this year. Brad Dezotell will be sure to design an amazing show. In addition, there are some real good teams this year, and a lot of new teams. Looks to be a great year.

Good luck to each team this year. I hope they serve their country proud.


Posted: Dec 17, 2006 01:46:07

Whoa! So many new firms and some making a comeback from the 1980s. I guess I can't predict how good this year will be. It's definitely a surprise!

I'm very happy to see Pirotecnia Igual there, and I'm sure Smoke is also lol.

I can only recognize 2/10 of all the firms in that list lol. I'll wait for the comments of others.

Posted: Dec 17, 2006 02:26:13

Very happy to see that Mexico team here. They did a wonderful job in Vancouver last summer. Hopefully they are able to full this one off also.

Posted: Dec 17, 2006 02:37:09

Hey guys,

I'm very impressed to see so many unfamiliar firms, well, to me, at least. Like Enkil, I can only recognize 2 of them; that of Hong Kong and Spain while funny enough, those are the only 2 firms I got correct in my predictions!

It's pretty neat that we're going to get the chance to witness a fireworks firm representing Canada that is outside of Quebec! This way, we can finally be appreciative of a variety of companies the nation has to offer altogether. I've heard so much among many firms in Canada, so I'm very much looking forward to seeing this firm's prowess. Sounds like we might be getting a good start with Spain, considering it's Igual. You never know, Enkil, maybe that 2001 finale will come back.

In a brief conclusion, I'm hoping we get the chance to see some more advanced innovative creativty among the firms. Like Sean said, I also wish the best of luck to all participants for the 2007 season. I have a feeling this is going to be a much more exciting year full of surprises; both with heavy vehemence and distinctive, yet well crafted, design. On a side note, I also get the feeling that a lot of these displays are going to be very traditional as well, which is always a good representation by which the displays are concocted.


p.s. I sincerely thought Weco would be there in representing Germany!

Posted: Dec 17, 2006 07:11:09

wow thats quite a surprising schedule. I bet ur gonna get a great display from pirotecnica igual cause this is gonna be their tenth show in montreal! i tihnk feerie's display will be great also because they wer the winner of last year's cannes pyrotechnique festival, IP is quite a famous firm from germany! hehe what a great schedule! ur lucky to be in Canada


Posted: Dec 17, 2006 13:23:36

wow je suit surpris que les anciennes firmes reviennent parmis nous !

Posted: Dec 17, 2006 18:14:17


That's actually a good point with respect to Igual. If that's the case, then they just may deliver a fully-fledged knock out performance. If it's anything like 2001, when they last hit first place, then expect a lot of screaming.

Again, I'm also very intrigued by most of these earlier firms that were seen during the first years of the competition! 2007 will certainly bring back memories of my first years attending the competition as child, though with much surprise and enthusiasm. My expectations are, as always, high, but seem to be lingering in a different fashion for some reason.


Posted: Dec 18, 2006 08:30:11   Edited by: fredbastien

Comme d'autres, le calendrier 2007 (enfin dévoilé!) me surprend à certains égards, en particulier concernant les deux premiers participants. Pirotecnia Igual, récipiendaire de nombreux prix, saura certainement lancer la saison en grandes pompes. Je suis surprend que cette firme gagnante de 2 Jupiter d'or soit invitée à nouveau! Quant à la représentante de l'Angleterre, je m'attendais plutôt à Kimbolton ou à une recrue: la seule participation de Pains Fireworks remonte à la première année de la compétition (1985)!

Pyromagic Productions et Pyro Spectaculars by Souza avaient offert deux excellentes performances, en 2003 et en 2001 respectivement. En 2003, Pyromagic aurait peut-être remporté un Jupiter d'or ou d'argent si des problèmes de mise à feu n'étaient pas survenus au moment de la finale. L'excellence de l'ensemble de leur performance leur avait néanmoins valu (à juste titre) un Jupiter de bronze. Ce n'était qu'une question de temps avant que Pyromagic soit invitée à nouveau. Reste à voir ce que saura nous présenter cette firme qui, vraisemblablement, devra s'appuyer sur un autre concepteur que Patrice Guy. PyroSpectaculars by Souza, une firme qui n'était pas montée sur le podium en 2001, avait aussi offert une excellente performance, avec un spectacle de grande envergure.

J'apprécie beaucoup la présence, cette année encore, d'un grand nombre de recrues qui apportent du sang neuf à la compétition. Il faut souligner la présence, pour la première fois, d'une firme canadienne de l'extérieur du Québec. Fireworks Spectaculars Canada, de l'Alberta, avait remporté le tournoi des champions organisé en 2006 au Lac des Nations à Sherbrooke. Leur présence à Montréal l'été prochain confirme une rumeur qui circulait depuis un bon moment.

J'attends avec impatience la firme française Féérie, gagnante à Cannes de la Vestale d'argent en 2005 et de la Vestale d'or (remise tous les 4-5 ans) en 2006. Soulignons que Féérie était alors en compétition avec de grands noms qui ont signé à Montréal des feux de haut calibre: Pirotécnia Igual, Luso Pirotecnia et Brézac Artifices, notamment. Encercler la date du 21 juillet!

Enfin, je connais peu de chose au sujet des recrues mexicaine et allemande. La présence du Mexique cette année ne me surprend pas, mais je suis cependant étonné que la firme soit Lux Pyrotecnia. Je croyais plutôt voir une autre firme mexicaine qui rôde autour de la compétition montréalaise depuis quelques années. Ce sera peut-être pour 2008!

Finalement, peut-être verrons-nous un jour une firme autre que Panzera présenter le spectacle de clôture... Cette société italienne a beaucoup contribué au développement du concours et elle présente des feux intéressants, mais un peu de changement pourrait également être intéressant.


Posted: Dec 19, 2006 13:21:53

j'peu bien dire que le feux de cloture n'as guère été interessant, un gros tableaux de bombe argent et c'est tout, moi j'aurait pensé une méga finale marron j'espère qui me surprendront cette année !

Posted: Jan 8, 2007 08:13:00

It looks much more easier than in the past to compete in Montreal and in another Canadian competition the same year. I believe that the rule which prevented it is no longer in force. After a Spanish case in 2004 and the Fireworks for Africa/PyroSpectacular case last year, I just see that the Mexican new entrant, Lux Pirotecnia, will also compete in Calgary in 2007.



Posted: Mar 29, 2007 11:24:15

Well, in September 2006, pirotecnia Igual made a show in Barcelona based on jazz music. I suppose this year Igual will do the same show in Montreal because this city has a very extended experience in this genere.
This is the film I ulpoaded on mediafire from the 27 edition of the Barcelona pyromusical, the theme, as I said, is jazz and blues history. The show is perfect timing. The video is not complet ( the complet one is 40 minutes long), but there are the best moments and a great finale, colourfull and with a lot of "marrons".

Here the link: http://www.mediafire.com/?1mjwy0ymdfn

I hope you enjoy!!!!! And comment please!!!

Posted: Mar 29, 2007 11:25:30

Well, in September 2006, pirotecnia Igual made a show in Barcelona based on jazz music. I suppose this year Igual will do the same show in Montreal because this city has a very extended experience in this genere.
This is the film I ulpoaded on mediafire from the 27 edition of the Barcelona pyromusical, the theme, as I said, is jazz and blues history. The show is perfect timing. The video is not complet ( the complet one is 40 minutes long), but there are the best moments and a great finale, colourfull and with a lot of "marrons".

Here the link: http://www.mediafire.com/?1mjwy0ymdfn

I hope you enjoy!!!!! And comment please!!!

Posted: Mar 29, 2007 22:06:47

Hi Rovira,

I'm not big fan of Jazz, but it's clear that it worked well with this show in the parts that were included in the clip. The finale was also typical of Igual when ending with a vast selection of delightful colors and massive shells followed by the massive blinding and thunderous bombs. Similarly, the piece before that was analogous to a typical supercell thunderstorm. I was particularly also enamored by the variety of serpents in addition to the missile-like screaming serpent types (I think that's what they're commonly referred to as)!

It's curious of whether or not they will be consistent with an identical theme for their performance in Montreal this season, but in either case, I'm hoping for a brilliant and powerful display from the team, especially since they're first up to start things off for the competition of 2007.

Thank you very much for sharing this with us.


Posted: Mar 30, 2007 16:19:57

I probably work for pyromagic production this year at la ronde !!

Posted: Mar 31, 2007 10:02:59


Do you actually view the displays from La Ronde most of the time, or is your position typically variable?

With regards to the clip that Rivora posted, again I hope that we will see a performance similar (or better) to what Igual has exploited there in Barcelona, though with a more intense and longer finisher.


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