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Posted: Aug 19, 2004 20:23:12   Edited by: Enkil

it seems so quite here lol
what happend to everyone, well the old feeling is back, im already missing it, i miss going there and i feel summer is over, everything is over

and as for me, i start again school (how annoying) althro the good part is, this is my last high school year, ill try to give the best i can this time for the ending, now i will try to hit the 90%s

the only problem is i dont know what i want to be in the futur

Posted: Aug 20, 2004 07:15:53   Edited by: Smoke

"Suddenly all Quiet"


What a very true point you bring up. For the past few days, there hasn't been a SINGLE post. I find it so boring and disappointing, especially, as you say, since school is coming soon and summer is ending. I start right on Tuesday!

What ever happened to the days where Paul posted up all the press releases and then we go crazy over them? What ever happened to the days when we gave our weather reports and give all the possible threats? What happened to our discussions about thunderstorms and finales? What happened to all the close calls and coincidences you and I had this summer? What happened to everything! It's like there's no one here and it's like time just went!

To tell you the truth, Enkil, I'm always on the forum, but whenever there's no new posts, I don't really reply. And plus, I can't think of any new topics to discuss!

I REALLY MISS MAY, JUNE, JULY and most of AUGUST! Everything is just gone!

I'm really hoping that more people start posting soon! If not, it looks like only me and you, Enkil. Don't worry about it, I'm usually checking in on the forum often, most of the time, so you'll catch me here a lot. I've been here for the past few days, but nothing new. Where is everyone?

As for doing your best, do it! This is my last semester of college, and then I start university in January, so I want to give it my absolute best. Whew! I have to go through all that before next year's competition!

Sigh.............It's so much more fun and interesting when everyone is here! It's nothing like June and July!

What do we do for the next 9-10 months? All that Winter, snow and cold!

Well, back to killing time again!



Posted: Aug 20, 2004 07:19:37

Don't worry guys, I have a nice surprise coming in a few days which I'm sure will generate lots of posts.

Stay tuned!!


Posted: Aug 20, 2004 07:25:04   Edited by: Smoke


I'm also so glad to hear from you again! I hope that this surprise is about 2005! That would really stimulate discussion.

We have to keep the forum alive!



Posted: Aug 20, 2004 08:02:59

very kewl Paul! ure surprise r always interessing, can't wait!

Smoke, what career have u chosen, maybe it will give me an idea

Posted: Aug 20, 2004 08:20:18


To tell you the truth, I've always wanted to become a meteorologist because ever since I was a kid, I was so fascinated and caught up with the weather and everything to do with it, but I never really majored into the sciences that much in high school. I really regret that now.

Anyways, right now, I want to get into environmental geography, but then again, I've taken and studied a lot of courses in business and economics, so I might want to do economics. However, I'm still very pessimistic about what I really want to do. I can't make up my mind!

Enkil, don't worry too much about it. You've still got plenty of time to think it through. I always thought that you wanted to become a pyrotechnician!



Posted: Aug 20, 2004 08:41:56

pyrotechnician, yeah maybe be, but there r other greater jobs

im surprised that u wanted to be meteorologist, cuz i wanted to be one too!

when i was a kid i was a real freak, i just to watch the MeteoMedia (Weather Network) chanel ALOT, especially in the winter, i always wanted snow to come, sometimes i used to say to my mom "call God, and tell him to bring snow!" and she toke the phone and pretended she was talking to God (and i believed it) LOL

i LOVED snow ALOT! and yet again now, i love it when it snows, and its always great to watch outside when theres a snowstorm (good for school too => day off)
BUT i hate the cold, its ok to snow, but i dont want the cold
and sometimes snow can really leave a huge mess and can become annoying lol thats the only thing i hate about snow

Posted: Aug 20, 2004 10:45:37

You too?

That's another coincidence for both of us! I was also a real freak with the weather, but I never liked winter!

I hate everything to do with winter still to this day! Like you said, though, the snow isn't so bad, but to clean it up is a mess, especially when it becomes slushy and the cars splash dirt all over it. It's disgusting!

In Winter, there's nothing to do. It looks nothing like right now. It's not lively. There's no flowers, no one outside, just gloomy and cold and white. Only thing that's good about it is Christmas time and New Year's. After that, I just want it gone! Now we're approaching an even more depressing time of the year....FALL!

Ugh......the things we gotta go through before May-June!

The good news is that they're predicting an El Nino within the next 3-4 months, so this might bring up warmer weather to a good portion of the northern hemisphere. Only problem for us is if the temperature hovers around zero or -1 all the time, where that leaves conditions right for freezing rain and of course, eventually leading to ice storms.



Posted: Aug 20, 2004 10:53:41


just wondering do u think that in a few years by now, say in 10 years

do u think that winters will get warmer, i dont know if u realized we arent getting any alot major snowstorms these years
now that global warming is in effect
i know that its bad for ppl how live south, but imagine how great it would be for us, warmer summers and warmer winters
but the south would prolly get all baked

Posted: Aug 20, 2004 11:22:07   Edited by: Smoke


You're quite correct. We really haven't been getting many major snowstorms in the past, but I have recently seen that there have been more weather extremes, globally. Look at this year, for example, there haven't been that many hurricanes in the south, except for that recent one.

If you look at last Winter, we had a very cold and harsh January, but the rest of the Winter period above normal temperature values.

As for our terms of temperature, I'm sure that the Winters will gradually become warmer and that the temperature will slowly increase, but not as substantial. I would say in 10 years, we should see a minor contrast in temperatures. Maybe even in less time. The global warming effect is happening far more faster than we may actually think. This is where my logic comes in. Our effects on global warming are increasing everyday, and eventually, I have a feeling that in the long run, that we may pay a price. This is just a hypothesis, but possible.

10 years in a good indicator of climate changes. Ever see the movie "The Day After Tomorrow?"


Posted: Aug 20, 2004 11:53:49   Edited by: Admin

no, but im planning to

btw u should see this news report "European Winters Could Disappear by 2080 - Report"
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=570&ncid=753&e=8&u=/nm /20040818/sc_nm/environment_europe_warming_dc

personnaly, global warming doesnt really bug me, well maybe im just saying that cuz i still dont know what the consequences will be

but its not just the weather that will cause chaos in the world, more wars will erupt in the Middle East, China and Taiwan, India and pakistan, not to mention nuclear wars and famine

whether we want it or not everything will kill us, its just humanity, we will continu to repeat the same mistakes, this will prolly not happen durinng our generation but maybe our childrens

we all taught that 9/11 was the start of WW3, but we didnt know Al Qaeda wasnt that powerfull

Posted: Aug 20, 2004 13:11:03


I remember hearing that something around that year, 2080, we can expect temperatures increasing by almost 8 degrees. This is not a good thing because this can affect the world very severly. It will really change a lot of things. and I agree with the interpretation of European winters disppearing. Our climate is changing very slowly as we speak.

It maybe good for us, for now, with warmer temperatures, but in the long run, it can be very devastating. I highly recommend that you see that movie. A very good idea of the possibilities that can affect us in the near future, maybe not in our time, but definitely in our children's, if not grandchildren's time.

The effect of global warming is already present. Think about it. We, as the human race, are constantly increasing our population to great numbers over the years. Our planet alone cannot handle this capacity and the abundance of people over the years. There's only so much that the planet can supply to us and it's presently struggling to do so. This is particularly true for over-populated countries, like in Africa or the Middle East.

In essence, the planet is losing control of what we need. The natural resources are depleting. When they're more people, more houses must be made, more cars must be purchased and more things must be done to sustain absolute control. Everything has its limits and all this is playing a vital role to global warming. The cars alone are burning so many fossil fuels into the atmosphere everyday. The factories that make our supplies and food put dioxins and other particulate matter into the air. This is also very dangerous to the depletion of the ozone layer, especially in north America. The lakes rivers are becoming absurdly more polluted and contaminated. Everything takes it's toll. All I can tell you is that if things continue the way they are, then it can be a very bad thing on our climate in the future. During the summer is another example. Photochemical smog is something very well-known to Montreal. so many sources are responsible.

Anyways, you'll see what I mean when you see the movie. The movie itself is a little like what could happen, but in my opinion, a lttle over doing it, but a good idea and understanding. I've read several reviews and analysis on the movie and scientists DO believe that it's possible in the next century. Howver, not to that extent, but it can potentially be bad.



Posted: Aug 20, 2004 13:36:41

now that i think of it, if i take for exemple fireworks, we know that they cause alot of pollution but at the same time the city gets alot of revenues and maybe La Ronde, maybe its ok to do it, but at the same we must remember the consequences

personaly i know that these can be mistakes that we do, but again i still think its just the way of life, theres not much u can do about it

everything has a limit one way or the other including earth

ok this topic is getting a little weird, so lets just stop it here lol

Posted: Aug 20, 2004 15:52:06   Edited by: Smoke


Actually, it is getting quite weird, huh? It's an interesting topic, but I prefer getting back to fireworks myself. The topic is still very much controversial, but a very important issue. The article you posted is very interesting, but I think it's true.

Anyways, how's your video coming?


Posted: Aug 20, 2004 16:24:56   Edited by: Enkil

yeah lets go back to fireworks and think how great they r lol

ill start doing the video this weekend, i need to think carefully how i should place them in order

Posted: Aug 20, 2004 16:30:04

Make sure that you place the finales at the end! I'm still not sure which one you want to put at the very end, though.

Maybe you should put Caballer's at the end? It was the most intense, after all. You can put all the finales in order of intensity. All the other segments should go at the beginning.

What do you think?


Posted: Aug 20, 2004 17:02:06

ok here is the list, i will first show u the list and then tell u the reasons why i placed them this way

1. mondialsaq2004 (videos from mondialsaq.com)
2. jns1 - 4 (from the board)
3. sunny1 - 3 incl. final (from the board)
4. ruggieri1 - 3 incl. final (from the board)
5. weco1 - 3 incl. final (from the board)
6. holland1 - 2 (from Paul, sent by Alain guy)
7. Francia (from Kaplin)
8. Alemania (from Kaplin)
9. caballer.bsr (from badnitrus)
10. laronde120604 (from Salutes lover)
11. espagne190604 (from Salutes lover)
12. japon260604 (from Salutes lover)
13. espagne100704 (from Salutes lover)
14. china170704 (from Salutes lover)
15. allemagne240704 (from Salutes lover)
16. laronde280704 (from Salutes lover)

ok, as u can see i placed them like the schedule list's order, becuz i thought it would be nicer and more appropriate
all the videos that r from the same source r placed together (which i believe this way is better)

and the reason why i didnt place caballer.bsr file at the very end this is becuz again i wanted to follow schedule list's order, so now the closing is placed at the end, its still a good ending despite the fact that its recorded from the wrong direction

of course this is my opinion, ures might be a different from mine

Posted: Aug 21, 2004 06:42:51


A very logical order. Actually, it isn't a bad idea to put it in that order. You're right about La Ronde's finale, too. It really is great, especially considering the way we saw it. Remember? All that smoke in the way. At least Pierre was fortunate to see it nicely!

Don't worry about it. I kinda prefer it like that, too!



Posted: Sep 8, 2004 20:23:08

Yep, you are right Trav......I did see the last display of 2004 clearly and I guess I was fortunate, but I wasn't there for the IPON's display this year and I STILL regret it to this day!!!

I guess I will never get over it (looking for the crying smiley, but can't find it) LOL

I hope you are enjoying the end of the Summer, guys!

Posted: Sep 9, 2004 12:48:51   Edited by: Smoke

Well, we are enjoying it, except it's been rather cool lately, especially today with all the rain and wind! It's the remnants of hurricane Frances!

As for IPON's finale, I still hope someone actually has it!


Posted: Sep 9, 2004 14:11:57

yeah, today was really crazy

Smoke, did u stay outside today?

i have to always walk from here to school, about 10 min,

there was alot of wind, but ALOT of rain, even if i got all wet, i can tell u it's always fun, its not something that u see everyday, but of course today wasnt the worst, ive experinced much stronger ones

Posted: Sep 9, 2004 15:22:15


At times, I did have to be outside, but not long. I can tell you, though, that by the time I took a 5-minute walk, I was soaked like I just took a shower!

The rain should ease off late overnight and head off to the Maratimes.

Can you imagine if this was happening during a fireworks display?



Posted: Sep 9, 2004 19:35:46   Edited by: Enkil

well Smoke,

even if i got this weather today, i still think it was the worst day of the week, its really embrassing trying to hold ure umbrella through the wind, however at the same time its kinda fun

but i say it was the worst day, becuz of today's weather, today i just got a taste of how hard my math 536 course will be, already the challenging parts r here, cant believe its still not over after last year's course
i did a "the copper" test at gym today, no doubt tomorrow i will be hurt everywhere (basicly u have to run around the gym and count how many turns u did, really stupid) if i had a choice to change my gym course for math or french i really would consider

anyway, back to the topic, u know even if it rained like that during a fireworks display, i would still stand (like England's night), id want to see everything,
quite crazy, but possible

Posted: Sep 9, 2004 20:24:23   Edited by: Smoke


I know what you mean. An umbrella was pointless today for me because it kept blowing it away. Instead, I improvised and used my jacket over my head. This worked, although I looked kinda funny.

It was definitely the worst day of the week. Believe it or not, I just finished my homework! It was a wet, a cool 14-15 degree for a high, a lot of congestion on the highways and streets, accidents, winds, well, you get the picture.

It seems you're in a tough math course. I'm well aware of the 536 program. I heard it really isn't that hard. In fact, I heard that it's a lot easier than 436, according to what my friends tell me. To tell you the truth, I had the opportunity to take both 436 and 536, but I just withdrew and went into 416 and 514. Now I regret that. This is why I'm going to take them at McGill in January. I want to take all the math courses, including Calculus. It shouldn't be that hard, plus, I love math! It's very challenging, but tedious.

As for memories of England, yes, today reminded me of that. The wind then the rain that came after 10:30! I still remember. It would've been worse if it was like today's measurable and torrential rains!



Posted: Sep 10, 2004 09:50:29


math 436 and 536 is not that hard, its just that they put too much stuff in one stage, but if u look at it, its not that complicated, but for me i take alot of time to understand, i need to make sure i understand, and has to be perfect

its just that u cant take life easy, u have to work alot in math, i still find math as the hardest course of all time, along French

it can be fun, cuz its kinda challenging, but it can drive u crazy

but my favourite course of all time with be without a doubt history

Posted: Sep 10, 2004 15:20:41


Math is one of my favorite topics. I always say that math is like a language, meaning you've got to know and learn many concepts. Some concepts may require a lot of stages, but with practice and working with it, you'll be able to overcome anything. I was always good at math and I loved it all the years. When I took 514 and 416, I found it boring.

It may be ranked one of the toughest subjects, but, as you say, it's very challenging, and I love to be challenged.

As for history, I never liked it. Way tooooooooooooooo boring for me! No offence to you.

Looks like you're interested in history? A good profession. Perhaps the history of pyrotechnics?



Posted: Sep 10, 2004 20:06:23   Edited by: Enkil

how cant u find history interessing?

everytime i enter to that course, i just wish the stories continues, i always want to stay there for hours and just listen the teacher talking, lol

u know what i found very interessing about Canadian history? its how Quebecers r descends of France and how Canadians and Americans r descends of England, i mean i would have never though about that in my whole life

just a few days ago, my history teacher was talking about politics, terrorism, and i can say it was one the greatest course i had, i was so into up, that i started giving answers
when asked to others, how was the course was, they said it was boring, lol

yes u can say im a history fantatic

Posted: Sep 11, 2004 08:53:51


It looks like you love history! I remember grade 10 history, but I forgot everything! Although I find it interesting how Quebec's history goes way back, particularly the way all the bridges were named, like Jacques-Cartier, or Champlain. All I remember was that the initial stage of sounthern Quebec was New France, a former colony of France, but I think Jacques Cartier was supposed to find a route to China and ended up in the St-Lawrence and discovered Hochelaga, now Montreal, and Stadacona, now Quebec City. I also think he was supposed bring back gold and spices and other materials, but he failed to do that, too. All his voyages were failures, I think, but he did meet the native Indians and adapted to their culture and learned much about them, particularly a medicine to combat scurvy. I remember other key factors like the revolutions and acts that were passed and the war that ended up in a stalemate in 1812. That's pretty much it!

Anyways, I think after talking about history so much, I would like to learn the history of pyrotechnics. All I know is that its origins are in Liuyang. I've learned a lot about it from Sunjh.

BTW, today marks something that will go down in history. Today is September 11th! 3 years since those terrorist attacks.



Posted: Oct 27, 2004 00:07:48

Well, I just found it interesting the way you refered to the way that "We, as the human race, are constantly increasing our population to great numbers over the years. Our planet alone cannot handle this capacity . . ." I've heard this hogwash over and over for decades now. Here's a little math problem for you . . . What is the area that each human on this planet would have to themselves, if they were all placed in an area the size of Jacksonville, Florida? How about just under 4 square feet for each man, woman, and child on the planet . . . Gee, if each one of them would have enough space to stand, without even having to touch each other, then there ought to be plenty of room for all of them if we actually spread them out around the planet. The problem with starvation, drought, and such is much more an issue of political control than the weather. If Ida Amin (sorry for the spelling problem) had'nt moved so many of his countries people off of their fertile land into the desert, then we would'nt had to watch their people starve year after year.

Posted: Oct 28, 2004 12:43:28   Edited by: Smoke


It's not in the context of taking up space alone, but rather the relation of overpopulation having an impact on our natural resources, particularly in the Third World nations, where population is a main concern because of high fertility rates and because of the inefficiency of using the available resources. This is why starvation and other related diseases occur. The main concept here is that population will eventually exceed the available resources. This comes into being when one describes the concept of overconsumption, especially in the industrialized and developed world. The more people there are in these nations the more consumption there will be and thus things will expand.

As for the weather, population can have an impact on this, especially when one considers global warming. Smog and other emitted matter or particulates are strating to become more and more of a problem, not to mention vehicle use. All of these and more are contributors, especially in the summer, when photochemical smog takes place in major metropolitain areas.

Anyways, this topic is still very much contraversial and many sides have there own opinion on the matter, especially on the economic and environmental sides.

So, if you'd like, lets get back to fireworks.


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