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Posted: Oct 13, 2004 13:48:31

our Science teacher said we had to choose a subject of out his list and we have to present this subject to the class

there was alot stuffs that were related to optics, but in that list there was Fireworks, now i know it isnt related to Science Physics, but the teacher allowd us to choose that

so eventully, there were many groups that wanted to do it, my companion wasnt in my class at that time, so i had to choose the subject alone, so i had tell one group not to choose fireworks, becuz... (they prolly didnt get what i was trying to say)

there was another group, who really want it, there was no way for me to stop it, so we went with "pile ou face" (sorry i cant remember how to say it in english), i had to win 2 on 3, i choose face 3 times straight and i won

but before doing this, i tried to explain the teacher how important it was for me to take this one, now i think i must do something very big to prove it to him

but one thing is for sure, i prolly get much of my information (clips, pics) from here

watch out Paul, i might ask u some questions (if u dont mind)

but first ill have to show my teacher what exacly ill be doing

(just thought to let u all know)

Posted: Oct 13, 2004 15:22:31


Of all things! Quite impressive, though. I think your main source will be this site. There's plenty of info here! And plus, you and I go way back since we first saw the fireworks in Montreal!

You should make a little fireworks display for him! Then you'll get 100%! This is a joke!

Well, I'm happy to hear that fireworks was a topic available on the list! Keeping the fireworks alive in a science project!

I think this will be a good project for you, Enkil! Let me know if you've got trouble getting yout ideas together and what you want to talk about. The only thing that sucks for you is presenting it to the class! I hate presentations! I get so nervous! I know of plenty of things to put in the presentation, but I'll leave the science perspective to you.

BTW, make sure you mention "Mondial SAQ!"



Posted: Oct 13, 2004 15:50:21


i just had to have it, but its just that i cant explain them why i want it, they'll think im crazy, u know? they really dont understand, i mean i talk about this almost everyday lol

some groups wanted to it, prolly becuz they found that the project will be easier, but i personally, i really want us do this original, different, by showing clips we've seen, u know, make it in a way that would surprise them

i will MOST definitly, talk about Mondial SAQ, i think i might go a bit far by getting off suject, i have to be carefull

i have until mid January to do this, if u want ill show it here, we'll be doing this on Powerpoint

as for a fireworks show, ive talked with my teacher about making a mini fireworks, long time ago, he said its dangerous, but its not impossible

i might burn some
magnesium, but he already did that in class!!

Posted: Oct 13, 2004 18:25:07   Edited by: Smoke


I'm glad that you got the topic. I'm also happy that you decided to share it with us.

Don't worry about talking about the Mondial SAQ. Just bring it up and elaborate a little bit on it, but, as you say, stay on topic. You can just say : "Did you guys know that we have the biggest fireworks competiton in the world?" Along with great product and great pyromusical design and concept with state of the art finales? That's good enough. Then state the relevance and facts. Identify materials and chemicals used and its relation to your idea or project.

As for the due date of your assignment, I think that it's perfect timing since the new schedule will be out around then or little after.

You've got plenty of time to prepare and do a great job. Once again, let me know if you need ideas! I'll be glad to help.



Posted: Oct 13, 2004 19:14:24


just so you know, fireworks has a lot to do with Physics. Did you ever study trajectories or ballistics? Newton's laws (for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction)? All these things come into play during the launching of a shell, the firing of a comet or the trailing of stars through the air. It's just full of physics! Never mind the chemistry involved in the combustion and the production of colour. Actually, even the colour is physics related - really it is pure quantum mechanics. Electrons getting excited from a base state to a higher one, then falling down to a lower state and emitting photons - this is where the colours that are particular to each element used come from.

I'm sure you'll learn a lot and do a great project!


Posted: Oct 14, 2004 14:33:53

thx Paul and Smoke

but unfortunatly, i might give up this subject

it seems that the other group wants to do it really badly too, i talked with the "leader", i think hes just like me, someone fascinated about fireworks, just like me
i think he immigrated to Canada this year, he was talking about how he used to make fireworks in his country...

i really wanted to do this, but i cant refuse to him just becuz i won a "pile ou face" game

i told the teacher that me and my partner would do on pyrotechnics and them they will do on fireworks (which we both agreed to) but he said that it will resemble

maybe someone here has an idea on what i can do, becuz im pretty sure the team wants just to explain how fireworks work

Posted: Oct 14, 2004 15:11:21   Edited by: Smoke


Are you sure that you really want to give this up? I was hoping that you would do it! I would've loved to help you out! Please reconsider! Didn't you get the subject fair and square? Well, anyways, if he's a pyrofreak and has experience making fireworks in his former country, I'm more than positive that he'll do a great presentation, as I'm sure you would have.

Anyways, as Paul said, physics definitely has a lot to do with pyrotechnics, but I always thougtht that it was more chemistry related. I know a little chemistry and some materials and compounds used in the field, but I'm sure physics is a major contributor to the art. I'm also fascinated to learn that even the area of physics has to do with the colors, too! Very interesting!

Well, if you change your mind about the subject, let me know! If possible, do you think that you could give me the list of topic areas that your teacher proposed? I'll see if I can make a nice choice for you.

BTW, this "pile ou face" game, isn't that "heads or tails", where you flip the coin?

Good luck!


Posted: Oct 14, 2004 15:38:58

YES its "heads or tails", damn i totally forgot

Smoke, its just that, hes really serious, just like me, thats the problem, one of us has to give up, unless we do something that is different, but related to fireworks, we will talk again tomorrow, i just dont want to do it when theres another person who wants to do it badly, it just isnt right

im pretty sure i will someday end up doing, maybe one day i will

well, tomorrow i have another interessing project that i have present to my English teacher (only), it will be about ancient and modern Egypt, another subject that i just love and that im very confortable to talk about

btw, i have the list here with me, BUT i just dont know which ones r already picked, but ill post all of it here

Galilée bio (already reserved)
Newton bio
comment fabriquer un miroir
cuisine à l'énergie solaire, est-ce possible
la lumière est-elle invisible?
la lumière, est-elle une onde ou une particule?
les fibres optiques ont grandement amélioré les communications, comment cela se passe-t-il?
des fibres optiques très utiles en médecine...
les anomalies de l'oeil
correction des anomalies de l'oeil
le septième art: cinéma (comment se fait la projection d'images au cinéma, etc)
laser, lumière ou outil
untilisations du laser (dans le lecteur CD, décrire, la simuler,etc)
l'appareil photographique, boîte mystérieuse
le télescope

all of this and u must explain how it works and stuff

for Chemistry subjects
le smog photochimique
le diamant et pourquoi brille-t-il tant?
le sepectroscopie (dunno what that is)
les gaz dans les ampoules des tubes d'éclairage
les allotropes (l'ozone; le diamant; le soufre)
and finally
le feu d'artifice

Posted: Oct 14, 2004 18:17:00   Edited by: Smoke

I guess that would be the ethical thing to do.

I was thinking if perhaps both of you could team up? Or are your teams already prepared? If not, try to negotiate with him, or your teacher, and so this way, both of you can work together on the topic that you both love.

The topics you listed are quite interesting. I was looking at all of them, and the one that interested me the most was the "cuisine a l'energie solaire, est-elle possible." I like it because I'm somewhat interested in the dynamics of the sun, especially when it comes to weather relations. I wouldn't mind that one.

As for the chemistry subjects, I have wider selection.

1-le smog photochemique
2-les allotropes (not sure what that is in English, but "ozone" got my attention)
3-Of course, le feu d'artifice

These are my preferences. out of the 3, I would like to do choice #1 and 3 the most.

BTW, I notice that your physics course is in French. Isn't that hard? Well, of course, if you speak French often, then, quite frankly, it's no big deal, I guess.



Posted: Oct 14, 2004 19:02:05

well, heres the problem, i want to work with a friend that i know very well (so 2 ppl) and he prolly wants to work with other ppl (makes 4 ppl),

another problem is the type of ppl he wants to work with, its not ppl who i talk with everyday, just a few words time to time

hard to explain, but im also very picky with who i want to work

i will look at ure suggestions and i will talk with the teacher

as for my french physics course, its true french is not an easy language, i do speak french better than english, but durning my life ive been bombarded with many languages that i cant seem to be able to speak one language straight
i was born with my mother speaking to me in Arabic (Syrian dialect)
then i sent to an Armenian school, where French and Armenian were the priority languages
then i was sent to French school after primary 6
not to mention that i understand Turkish, thx to my parents!

yup im a mess, but i feel more confortable with french right now, ill prolly go to a french cegep, since the language is growing on me fast and im forgetting my native language! not that i care of (to tell u the truth)..

Posted: Oct 14, 2004 19:49:03   Edited by: Smoke


Thank you for your response.

Anyways, yes, meet with your teacher and look at my preferences, since you and I have similar tastes.

Make sure that you consider your own preferences, too! Then we could work something out my process of elimination.

As for languages, I'm more comfortable with English than French. I wirte far better in English, that's for sure! I was born here and both my parents speak English, so it's no big deal to me. I'm currently studying at John Abbott College and I'm actually a fellow graduate at the present time. I'm heading off to either Concordia or McGill. Either or. Most likely I will go to Concordia because that's where a lot of my friends are going at the moment.

One more thing, I remember taking math in French in grade 2 and I had a hard time with it. So, I was then switched to engish and it was a whole lot easier. Of course, what language is most comfortable should be the one you work with.



Posted: Oct 15, 2004 09:48:15

Concordia? my big sister goes there since 1 or 2 years ago
actually, from Bois de Boulogne, she went to Concordia, apperently English is much easier

most ppl r telling me French will be harder comparing to English

since i was born here, i really regret not going to a "pure" french school, id prolly get better marks, but somehow i managed to get good marks last year with 70 - 80% hehe

im really not ready to go to cegep, i dont even know what i want to do

Posted: Oct 15, 2004 12:10:14

That's good, Enkil.

I'm not too sure what I want to do, and I'm going to university! I have to decide fast because the deadline to apply is November 1st.

I have a lot of things I can mjor into, because my marks are relatively high.

I'm either heading into environmentalism or economics. I've always wanted to go into the scinces, though, but unfortunately, I slacked off in high school way too much. I was very good in the sciences, especially in math, but stupid me!

I was always hoping to do either climatology or meteorology.



Posted: Oct 15, 2004 15:50:25

Smoke, just to give u an update

this morning i talked to my friend, told him that i didnt want to do it, but he convinced me not to reject it

in fact he said they same thing u said, that we played heads or tails and it was fair, etc, for some reason he woked me up and i totally agreed with him lol

i dont know why i just let myself go yesturday, i think its becuz i was really depressed

i said this to the teacher in the begining of the course, i think hes also fed up too with it, lol
he said we would talk about it later, but later didnt happen
i still hold the project, after all I won the game

Posted: Oct 15, 2004 17:37:37

Thx for the update!

It looks like he's encouraging to keep your intitial decision. Maybe he changed his mind and went with a new topic?

But anyways, you should really talk and negotiate. Work things out and come with a distinctive and fair final decision.

Anyways, you still hold the topic, so that's good, in a way.

Does it look like he really wanted it, I mean psychologically?



Posted: Oct 15, 2004 19:16:04

sorry Smoke, u misunderstood, i talked with my partner, not with the other group

Posted: Oct 16, 2004 07:10:21

Oh sorry, I thought it was the other group you talked with.

Anyways, despite all the talking and project topic decisions, it looks like you're having a hard time getting the topic than actually working on it!

Well, what are you planning to do now? Keeping it or letting it go?

It looks like you're on that 50/50 border.

Enkil, assuming you don't get the topic, any second preferences?

Please let me know.

BTW, I've obtained an 89% on my mid-term exam in geo-science!



Posted: Oct 16, 2004 09:43:56


theres no reason for me to give up the project, why should i?

in any case, if i cant do it, ill prolly go with "cuisine à l'energie solaire", looks interessing, i talked with the teacher about it

i cant start the project this weekend, this my last week of exams, so i have to get rid of those first

i know that its for mid January and i can tell u that i have alot of time, but everytime i say that i end up doing at the last minute and it turns out "boché", so i better start off early
does that happen to u? lol

Posted: Oct 16, 2004 11:14:42

All the time! I sat I'm going to do something right away, but I end up doing it the night before it's actually due!

Like you, I've still got exams sparking up sporadically all over the place, so I'm always finding myself studying.

Anyways, I'm glad you're keeping the topic. The cuisine a l'energie solaire was also nice to do. That was one of my personal choices that I recently mentioned to you. You see, we have the same tastes!

BTW, what does "boche" mean in English? Does it mean piling up or something? I'm sorry, my French isn't the greatest.



Posted: Oct 16, 2004 11:58:11

i think its either a Quebecois expression or its taken from an English word

the teachers use it constantly, example, "je ne veux pas un travail boché", meaning i dont want a work incomplete or not very well done

instead of saying f***é, they use that word, now i guess u understood

btw did u know the word "f***é" in french it isnt recognised as a bad word? ive seen it in many articles, i believe, odd thro

Posted: Oct 16, 2004 12:18:03


I'm not sure if I understand what you mean by "f***é" What's the full word? Hold on, wait a sec....Maybe those *** are there for a reason, but as you say, it's not recognized as a bad word in French, but I'm assuming that the context or the actual spelling of the word resembles "that word"?

Anyways, my initial interpretation of "boché" was work that's being done quickly or rushed through. I guess I was on the right track.

Well, I know it's off topic, but do you have any predictions of the competitors next year? I know it will be different than this year, since it's back to the generic type of year.

I'm pretty confident that the U.S and Canada will be there, as usual, maybe Spain and Italy, too.


Posted: Oct 16, 2004 12:40:09

yes, ure right
"that word" with a "é" isnt recognized as a bad word, in fact i asked my moral teacher about it last year, when i found out it was in an article paper he gave us, he said it was allowed to be used in journals, etc (i know what im saying is weird) whatever...

anyway, i really dont know which country would participate, expect the "usual" ones, but i sure hope Caballer does

Posted: Oct 16, 2004 13:35:30   Edited by: Smoke

And IPON, too!

Remember the time when you said that you thought Frederick mentioned that Sweden was supposed to be participating next year or something? Well, I wouldn't rool out the possibility of them showing up.

I would expect Caballer or even Igual to show up. Probably Sunny International or maybe JNS might return. I'm also assuming Weco will come back next year, too. Way too many possibilities, but the thing that will suck is the fact that we probably won't get double Spanish firms next year.

There were a lot of surprises that came out with this year's schedule when it was officially relaesed. I'm not saying that there would be no surprises along with the new schedule, but I doubt there will be as much. I shouldn't even say that because the new schedule is a fantastic surprise itself! So, I really couldn't care less.

BTW, do you prefer the scenario of there only being one award (the platinum Jupiter) or did you prefer the old way, meaning gold, silver, bronze? I personally prefer the old fashion way. It makes it more exciting to me.



Posted: Oct 16, 2004 13:53:03

the old fasion

this is a competition, like anything, like Olympics, expect this isnt sport! this is a different type of competition, so it should have 3 jupiters

Posted: Oct 17, 2004 10:45:45


Yes, I agree. It's better when there's 3 winners on the podium, rather than just one.

It makes it more exciting, especially when it comes to ranking and then waiting on the closing show to see 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

It would've been nice if the "Special Award" was being given out again. I think it disappeared since Benson & Hedges left.

I think it's more fun this way.

Enkil, wouldn't you find it cool if it was designed like this:

1st: Platinum Jupiter
2nd: Gold
3rd: Silver
4th: Bronze

Then the special award.

This way you've got, in a sense, 5 winners, out of a total of 10 entrants, making it half. Assuming, of course, that they're 10 entrants in a given year.

Just a thought.



Posted: Oct 18, 2004 14:25:10


but i still find the old fasion better, im my opinion

i think ures is a bit too much

Posted: Oct 18, 2004 15:30:23

Maybe it is, making half the entrants getting an award!

But still, regardless of that, I really wish the special award would be part of the competition again.


Posted: Oct 18, 2004 15:49:28

I agree with Enkil. This is more of an artistic competition with subjective criteria. It isn't something that can be measured with mathematical precision at the finish line. On the other hand I think five awards would water it down too much. Best to stay with G, S, and B and a very occasional special. Although there was one platinum winner this year, there were three finalists prior to the official award which would be the G, S, and B in a traditional year.

Posted: Oct 18, 2004 17:12:05


The thought of having 5 awards would be a little too much, you're right, but it was just a little thought that I found of curiosity to other people. As I mentioned before, the only thing that I wish would come back would be the special award.

Of course, don't get me wrong! I prefer the original way myself and for reasons for which I've explained before.

What do you guys think about the special award?


Posted: Oct 22, 2004 20:49:08

a special award should be part time to time, if theres something very orginal or anything that has something special
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