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 Montreal Fireworks Forum —› General —› Mondial SAQ Extended from 30min to 45min?
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Posted: Jan 13, 2005 16:28:33   Edited by: Enkil

I was going to post this a few days ago, never got the chance. But I did emailed the webmaster of mondialsaq.com long time ago and I didn't recieve any answer.

If go to http://www.bonjourquebec.com/anglais/pdf/famille/escapades_mtl.pdf

Both stat that the duration for 2005 will be 45min.

Notice in the English version it says 20th edition (which is an error).

So now there's chances that 45min is an error. I might be dreaming, but hopefully this could turn out true . hehe

Posted: Jan 14, 2005 08:16:46

Firstly it would be very stressing for the crew to set up a show that's 50% larger, if the average intensity has to be kept at an unchanged level.

Secondly it would be pretty pricey for the firms to do a show at that length i believe, so it would give the manufacturers an advantage in comparison to the display operators.

It's most likely a mistake i think...


Posted: Jan 14, 2005 09:16:30

It would be nice to have 45 minute shows, but I think that it's a little too good to be true. Plus, as Lars said, it will be increasingly costly for the firms. Don't get me wrong, though! I would love this to happen, but I think that it's an error.

Plus, this means more notes for Paul to write!

And why would they start tampering with the time limit all of a sudden? Doesn't make sense! If this is the case, then more will be expected of each participant.



Posted: Jan 14, 2005 11:18:31

L'information qui apparaît dans la brochure de "Bonjour Québec" est intriguante... Si le rythme des feux était pendant 45 minutes le même que ceux que nous avons l'habitude de voir, ce serait vraiment formidable... et je pense que Paul accepterait avec plaisir la surcharge de travail pour la rédaction des rapports!

Cependant, je pense qu'il est fort probable que ce soit une erreur. Une augmentation de 50% de la durée des spectacles serait énorme et engendrerait des coûts importants. De plus, pour plusieurs firmes en compétition, produire un feu de 30 minutes en respectant les standards de la compétition montréalaise est déjà un grand défi. Je trouverais également curieux qu'un tel changement survienne au cours de la 5e et dernière année de l'entente entre La Ronde et la SAQ. Pour toutes ces raisons, je soupçonne que l'information selon laquelle les feux seraient d'une durée de 45 minutes est probablement, hélas, une erreur.


Posted: Jan 14, 2005 12:47:37   Edited by: Smoke

I'm hoping that it's true! Can you guys imagine 15 extra minutes in each show?!

All I can say is that if this is true, there's a good chance that there will be an increasingly bigger audience this year. Plus, the long wait between the shows will be worth it! It will intrigue more and more people.

The only downfall is, as I mentioned before, that there will be more labour and materials needed from each firm to compensate for the additional time and thus will be more costly. And, as Lars said, working on a show that's 50% larger can be very stressful! No joke!

All in all, I would love for the shows to be extended, especially since the competition may eventually come to an end.

Once again, too good to be true!



Posted: Jan 14, 2005 13:46:46

The part that bugs me it's there's no other sources I can find in the internet that shows me that each show will be 30in in 2005

If it is extended, I think you could assume that this competition isn't going anywhere for many years cause it's getting bigger
This could be the last year, so they'll make it big
But I doubt that will happen.

Posted: Jan 16, 2005 06:58:16

When it says the duration is about 45 minutes, in a sense, it is, if you include the ceremony that immediately preceeds the fireworks themselves. This usual starts around 9:40pm and lasts 10 minutes or so. Therefore, in terms of how long someone needs to be in their seat to see everything, 45 minutes is not too far from the truth.

I don't think there is any suggestion that the fireworks themselves last 45 minutes. 30 minutes is pretty much the limit given the intensity used in a typical competition display.


Posted: Jan 16, 2005 08:53:34


So you're saying that it will be just like any ordinary year? Nothing different?

As for the ceremony that precedes the actual show, yes, it's true. All that time does come out to around 45 minutes, give or take a couple of minutes.

Honestly, what would happen if the fireworks themselves lasted 45 minutes? I'm sure the stakes will be higher with an extra 15 minutes.



Posted: Jan 16, 2005 08:54:51

Sorry, that's me posting anonymously. I forgot to login!


Posted: May 15, 2005 09:01:39

je trouve que 30minutes c'est assez mais 45minutes c'est 15minutes de spectacle plate parce que il y a absolument pus
de place pour en mettre plus de pièce pyrotechnique et si il
voudrait rallonger de 15minutes le spectacle seras moin intéressant
parce que il faudrait en tirer moin pour rallonger le temps.

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