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 Montreal Fireworks Forum —› General —› pyjama party firework display night review
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Posted: Sep 4, 2005 13:59:56

the show will be this evening has 9h00 to bring coats it will make cold and 0% of chance of precipitation. I will give you the information of the show this evening or if not its will go has tomorrow.


Posted: Sep 4, 2005 19:27:37

the show is absolutely fabulous the shell is diversified and very coloured the assembly of mortar resembles the assembly much a large pyromusical spectacle. finally in short I was only on the bridge there was not even a cat on the bridge.there was nobody then I am made it possible to manufacture a gilded fountain house. I fixed on bars of the bridge and I ignited. was completely marvellous. but the show was very noisy especially the air maroon final 125mm!! in gust.the temperature was not too cold.but best had nobody there then I am also enabled to me to drink a coke quill well while being sat by ground.but I find its disappointing that trav. did not come it really missed something.


Posted: Sep 4, 2005 20:15:13


Was it really that good?


Posted: Sep 4, 2005 20:59:31

yes absolutely !!!! is a loudest fireworks that heard of all my life.
and I was absolutely alone with my bicycle, my bag and my can of coke!!! then I could shout of joy and to make a homemade gold fountain

sorry you missed something


Posted: Sep 4, 2005 21:13:42   Edited by: Smoke

IT WAS LOUD??????????????????????????

Jerome, I'm so sorry that I missed it!

Was the ending better than some that we saw this year?


Posted: Sep 5, 2005 04:44:05

oh yes was strong the final and has certain moment of the spectacle it put a kind of finale and aussit there was 302mm!!
Is very impressive show !!


Posted: Sep 5, 2005 08:32:37

Hi guys,

Here's very last review of this year's Montreal fireworks competition.

Last night, it wasn't as cold as expected. I thought the temperature was ok for this time of year. I think a lot more people were present if you compare the numbers to last year's. But when I say "a lot", I only mean 10 - 20 more people lol.

The show started at 9:00pm and lasted for a good 15min, which is really not bad. Before I forget, since I follow this competition very religiously and every detail is important to me, I have to mention that 2 salutes were launched just 10min before the show started. In my opinion, the show was good. I'll try to name some of the effects that I saw and didn't, especially for Smoke . There were a lot of white candles that went directly up in the sky and they were very bright, I'm guessing that they came from the Spanish display. Unfortunately, we just saw one shell-of-shell. Overall, the display had a good number of salutes. Remember the Swedish salutes that were suppose to launch during the finale? Well, we saw them at the very last seconds of the show. And I can say, it was the loudest noise of the show for only 3 seconds lol. However, they weren't as impressive as I had hoped them to be. The American salutes were far more stronger. We also saw giradolas. I don't think it was those double ascensions, but they were as always impressive. There were a lot shells that changed colors. On the other heand, we didn't see any hearts or spirals. There was suppose to be a lot of Canada's huge shells, but for some reason, I didn't see a lot of huge shells, like last year. But I can say that we saw pretty much a little resume of all the displays we saw this year, obviously lol. I found the lower effects were quite interesting. A lot of nice creativity and beautiful scenes. You can really notice the difference between this show and the real ones, you get the impression that they are very "limited". I can't really comment much, but I can say it's always a "cute" and enjoyable show to watch.

As for the finale, well, it wasn't really intense in length, maybe only the last 3-5sec (because of the salutes). I think last year's finale was way better.

In conclusion, I thought the creativity was better this year than last year. However, last year's intensity and finale were better than this year.

Posted: Sep 5, 2005 09:13:10

hi enkil
you went to the show was noisy I does not know or that you but me was on the bridge just opposite the rack of mortar.there was nobody on the bridge because the majority of the world did not know there was a firework. I was alone there was just the car which passed and which klaxonait. both air maroon at the test was very noisy I saw them leaving the first ramps was 125 mm titanium shells !

Posted: Sep 5, 2005 09:38:22

Hi Jérome,

I did notice the wind was blowing to the west side, maybe that why the noise was louder. You're right, there was literally no one on the bridge, maybe just a few people.


I'm sorry I didn't come on aim last night, I know I had told you to come online. After the show, we decided to visit downtown, so it was 11:30 when I came home.

Anyways, I'll talk to you this week about the show and your "school helping list"

Posted: Sep 5, 2005 13:08:43

Hey guys,

Well, well. It seems you two witnessed a creative resume of the competition this year! I'm happy to hear that there were vasts amounts of effects used! I'm also surprised that girandolas were present. So, it looks like it was pretty much a sum up of what we saw this year. A little bit of this and a little bit of that. I'm also happy that you saw those nice welcomed salutes and a shell of shells! But some of those massive shells would have been nice. As for the candles, well, I wouldn't be surprised of they were from Spain! After all, Spain's show this year was mostly low level candles and plenty of mines. In all, it sounded creative, as you both pointed out.


I'm happy to hear that the ending wasn't as good as last year, or else I would have been mad! To be perfectly honest, I'm always surprised to see so much leftovers, even so much for a finale! As Pierre said a while back, I can only imagine what Sweden's finale would have really been like! And I'm happy to see that there were 10-20 more people! I guess it didn't feel the same without me, huh?

As for aim, it's no big deal. To be honest, there was no way that I could go. I ended up baby-sitting my cousin since my parents went to my aunt's house and my other aunt dropped him off at our place. Everything just shattered.

I'll be on aim this evening. I'll need your company in my time of need! Last day of vacation is almost over. Those thunder noises do the trick, though.

Thank you both so much for keeping me informed! So, that's it? No more reviews? I can't believe it. So, where do we go from here? Paul, any surprises?



Posted: Sep 5, 2005 13:29:32


Hier soir je me suis rendu Rive sud tout le long de la piste cyclable l
J'avais amené mes chaises de parterre. En fait juste l,autre bord du fleuve mais devant le feu.
Je sais bien que j'ai manqué certains effets sur le lac mais nous avons vraiment apprécié le spectacle pyrotechnique de Paul Tsukassy et son équipe.
De loin cà donne vraiment une autre perspective sur le déploiement des pièces . Ma conjointe et moi étions vraiment emballés de voir la belle luminosité des pièces et leur disposition tant sur les formes que les couleurs dans le ciel.Le "mix" était vraiment très bon. J'ai pas cherché à juger quoi que ce soit , je me suis tout simplement laissé aller à trouver cà beau.
La finale??Moi j'ai bien aimé avec ce bonsoir de marrons comme pour nous dire " l'an prochain".

Félicitations Paul et Merci........ce fut une belle fin de soirée....

Ah les feux !!!!!


Posted: Sep 5, 2005 14:26:45

bonjour PASSION
je croit que je vous aie vue aux abord du fleuve hier.
enfin bref le feux d'artifice était tout a fait incroyable.
je t'aurait recommandé d'aller sur le pont parce que
il y avait absolument personne durant le spectacle
j'était placé le plus proche possible et durant toute le spectacle il y a même pas une personne qui est passé devant moi alors j'me
suis fabriqué une fontaine dorée maison et je l'aie allumé et par la suite je l'aie accroché sur un barreaux du pont et lorsque sa la allummé toute les étincelles qui ont jaillit de la pièce ont tombé en
bas du pont comme une chute d'eau!!!! plusieur personne l'ont
vue surtout les spectateurs qui était assit sur les gradins dans le site des feux.pour commencer il ont tiré deux marron d'air de 125mm comme test.par la suite il ont allumé une dizaine de strobe rouge et par la suite une bordé de chandelle romaine,comète,gâteaux chinois et bombe aérienne ont pris la relève.rendu la je sait plus quoi dire parce que j'était trop fixé sur le show.mais je me souviendrai toujour de la finale qui a ébranlé le pont et qui ma décoiffé.la bordé de marron d'air était tout a fait bruyante et les grosses bombes aussits.je suis absolument satisfait du spectacle pis en même temps la température n'était pas pire.il ventait presque pas sur le pont mais c'est sûr qui y a eu des automobiliste qui ont ralentit et qui ont klaxonné.enfin bref
les artificiers de la ronde ont faite leurs job.FÉLICITATION !!!!!!!!!!!


Posted: Sep 5, 2005 20:33:37   Edited by: Smoke

So guys, this is how it ends????????????

Well, I'm going back to school tomorrow. I have 30 minutes left of my 9 month break! So sad!

I'm going to miss all that we had! The fireworks, the reports, the weather watching, the storm potential, my weather reports, the trips and everything!

I can't wait 9 months!!!!!!!!!


Posted: Sep 6, 2005 05:53:20

Comme toujours, j'étais présent à La Ronde pour ce 5e feu des pyjamas, l'un des meilleurs depuis le début de cette tradition. En fait, je pense que les feux de 2004 et 2005 ont été excellents. Contrairement à ceux de 2001, 2002 et 2003, nous n'avions pas l'impression qu'il s'agissait d'un spectacle construit à partir des "restants" de la compétition, mais bel et bien d'une création entièrement originale. La durée et le rythme du spectacle valaient le détour: presque 14 minutes avec peu de temps mort.

Et c'était sans doute le feu des pyjamas ayant attiré la plus forte assistance. Dans le passé, les gens se concentraient dans les gradins de la section argent situés au centre de la Place du Canada. Cette fois-ci, la foule allait vers les autres gradins de cette section situés près des arcades, de même que dans la section Or. Je crains cependant que les gens situés à ces extrémités aient eu de la difficulté à entendre la musique, puisque les enceintes acoustiques étaient concentrées au centre de la section argent.

J'ai bien aimé la trame sonore, qui s'harmonise à la thématique plus enfantine de cette journée pyjama. Toutes les rampes régulières (1 à 4) ont été mises à contribution, y compris une petite chute autour de la rampe 4 ainsi que des pièces nautiques (des strobes et des mines aquatiques). On pouvait remarquer plusieurs pièces provenant du feu de la Suède, au cours duquel il y avait eu quelques problèmes de mise à feu. En examinant le montage du feu, j'ai remarqué l'assemblage de certaines petites pièces sur des supports métalliques circulaires et peu volumineux, similaires à ce que j'avais observé pour le feu du Canada. Je soupçonne qu'il s'agissait de petites bombettes produisant de fines étincelles, mais je n'en suis pas certain.

Bref, un excellent feu qui clôturait cette saison pyrotechnique à La Ronde. Avec la popularité grandissante des célébrations d'Halloween à ce parc d'amusement, je pense qu'il faudrait songer à produire d'autres productions pyrotechniques au mois d'octobre et ainsi maximiser la contribution du savoir-faire pyrotechnique développé au sein de ce parc et qui en est l'un des traits distinctifs.


Posted: Sep 6, 2005 05:58:37


Don't cry! I am sure that we will have another fantastic season in 2006. Moreover, I believe that La Ronde has a great, a large, a big, a giant surprise in store to convince you and other young fanatics to move inside the park.


Posted: Sep 6, 2005 18:35:40

Hey Fred,

Thanks for boosting my spirit. But I also feel more depressed mainly because we don't talk much for 9 months. I know it's because there's not much to talk about, but still!

Anyways, you're right. I'll stop complaining. I mean there's lots of things to look foward to, except winter. As I was telling Enkil, we still have the new schedule to look foward to!



Posted: Sep 11, 2005 11:07:32


I've sent you an email.

I'll try and be on aim tonight.


Posted: Sep 11, 2005 15:11:04


I've read your email, thanks.

But unfortunately, I can't come online tonight. I have to read French litterature. I have a little test tomorrow I've heard a lot of bad stories about that course.

Anyways, I'll let you know when we can meet up.

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