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Posted: Aug 22, 2009 17:51:11

Post the winners of 2009 here. I'm hoping it's Canada for first! Go Canada!!!

Enjoy the evening, everyone, but remember again that there exists the slight risk for showers and even thunderstorms (non-severe) this evening. Otherwise, mostly cloudy skies will prevail - it has already clouded over since about 4:12 p.m. As expected, winds are light to calm and South to Southwesterly, but again should switch to Northerlies this evening with identical speeds.

I'm anxious about the results for the winners.


Posted: Aug 22, 2009 22:53:14

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CANADA WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAHOO!!!!! Go Canada!!!!

And wow, my jury prediction was bang on. I said this at the end of my review:

Trav's jury prediction:

1st: Canada
2nd: China
3rd: U.S.A

And the official results were just that. Congratulations to team Canada - I knew you guys would win all the way! Great job!

The only thing I don't know is who had won the Special Jupiter. Please post the team soon!


Posted: Aug 22, 2009 22:59:22   Edited by: reloadable shell

J'ai vraiment aimée le dernier feux! J'ai crus entendre l'hymne nationale des états unis??

Bref j'était assis a côté d'un flo qui s'ventait d'avoir toute ses carte d'artificier et y explicait aux monde a côté les compagnie et qui "travaillait" pour une firme, sa semblait être une technique pour cruiser les filles qui était a côté de lui.... franchement c'était frustrant moi qui est artificier de métier.

Sinon l'feux a été bruyant comme j'aimes et j'ai rien d'autre a dire la dessus, sa *Clotûré* le 25ième comme il faut en plus d'avoir respirer la fumée pendand 15 bonne minute, une vrais doses de drogue!

Posted: Aug 22, 2009 22:59:34

Congrats to team canada, china, and usa They all deserve it It seems u.s.a never misses a spot on the jupiters xD


Posted: Aug 22, 2009 23:01:21

First, congradulations to ALL the firms participating this year. Thank you for a trully excellent 25th season for the Competition.

Second, Thank you to Paul for putting up all the videos allowing us to see each of the performances.

as selected by the 25 member popular jury at La Ronde:

The Green award: Austrailia- Foti's International Fireworks

The soundtrack Jupiter: Canada- Royal Pyrotechnie

The Bronze Jupiter: USA- Melrose Pyrotechnics

The Silver Jupiter: Hong Kong, China- Pyromagic Productions Ltd

The Gold Jupiter: Canada- Royal Pyrotechnie

Posted: Aug 23, 2009 00:51:18   Edited by: Enkil

Very well done! It seems that the results are fair. There were a lot of people at La Ronde tonight, and wow the grandstands were almost full. Everything went successfully! The 10min display was really enjoyable and well done, although it felt somewhat anti-climatic with the whole Michael Jackson thing following the ceremony lol. But I must say the crowd was very active during the display, so it was pretty kewl! The little stage performance by a resurrected Michael Jackson was kewl, too. However, the stage should've been located on the lake, but I guess the boat was needed for the ceremony. Only 3 or 4 seconds of the finale were intense, but eh!

I don't think La Ronde expected to see a lot of people, even though the weather wasn't perfect. Maybe next year, we'll have another mini display and the ceremony together. But who will they dedicated to this time? Also, if they want 11 fireworks nights (including a night for ceremony + mini display), it would make more sense to drop the needless Panzera displays as Fred had suggested, and replaced it with another competitor!

Jérome, en effect, c'était l'hymne nationale du Canada qu'ils ont jouée!

So this successfully concludes the 25th edition of the Montreal fireworks competition!

Posted: Aug 23, 2009 02:05:44

I just realized that Roger also had the same order for the winning teams in his jury predictions as I did. Seems we had a similar mindset, Roger.

Again, congratulations to Canada and all the winning teams. I was pleased to learn that Canada also was awarded the Special Jupiter as well. I hope that Paul will post a video of the ceremony.

Hopefully, the closing display and awards ceremony for next year will take place on the same night.


Posted: Aug 23, 2009 02:52:31

At 5:00pm, 13 people have expressed their personal preferences in this forum. As it is done with the results from the jury, I gave a score to each contestant according to each "vote" expressed by these people: 3 points for a 1st place, 2 points for a 2nd place and 1 point for a 3rd place. The conclusion is very interesting:

Vote from 13 people in this forum:

1. Canada (27 points)
2. Hong Kong (22 points)
3. USA (10 points)

This is exactly the jury's decision! I don't expect any controversy about the 2009 official results! I'm very happy that Pyromagic (my 1st choice) is among the winners. The jury was not detract by the poor weather condition. Moreover, it is interesting to note that the special award for the soundtrack was given to Royal, whose soundtrack was technically very good but not made of popular, easier music, like the USA team. It looks that the jury was able to go beyond its personal taste and take into consideration technical component of the soundtrack.

Beyond that, the show prepared by Paul Csukassy, with Éric Cardinal (Ampleman), was very good and much more better than the official closing show we had, last week. Though they had some ideas before, Éric told me that the design process really began Wednesday morning and was completed Thursday. Then, they had two days two set-up the show.

Je crois qu'ils méritent le Jupiter pour la meilleure improvisation pyrotechnique!


Posted: Aug 23, 2009 09:10:09

Videos of the awards ceremony and the Michael Jackson tribute are uploading as I write this.

Congratulations to all the winners!


Posted: Aug 23, 2009 11:24:22

Salut membres du jury parralèle des feux.

Nous devrions former le prochain jury officiel.
Cette année mes prédictions se sont réalisées et dans l'ordre.
Royal mérite amplement cet honneur et cà je l'ai expliqué dans mon commentaire. L'équipe de Yannick Roy ne sont pas que des tireurs de bombes mais aussi des artistes qui préparent leurs spectacle avec minutie , créativité, originalité pour captiver les amateurs , les faire tripper avec eux, les surprendre constamment. Comme le disait si justement Yannick dans son spectacle 2003...Royal font preuve de beaucoup de sensibilité pour rechercher et produire les émotions.. Je suis vraiment content.

SMOKE...Félicitations !!!!! Gagnons nous un prix pour l'exactitude de nos choix ????( lol)Je crois bien que nous avions la même facon de voir le spectacle de Royal........

MERCI à la personne qui filme les spectacles. C,est bien fait ....Au fait qui fait ces vidéos ??


Posted: Aug 23, 2009 11:36:19   Edited by: STL

MERCI à la personne qui filme les spectacles. C,est bien fait ....Au fait qui fait ces vidéos ??

Paul Marriott lui-même (identifié comme fireworksforum).


Even though I identified all the winning firms correctly, China and Quebec were inverted in my evaluations VS the jury's, as I gave them 1st and 2nd place respectively.

Still, Royal's victory is very nice. They were clearly the best in Canada, now they confirmed it by winning the most prestigious Jupiter once again !

As usual, my evaluation (very positive this time, I promise ) of the display is online, alongside a picture gallery of the winners.

What a wonderful job by Paul Csukassy and Eric Cardinal ! These guys surely deserved to be applaused that much at the end of their display !

The big MJ letters at the beginning;
The synchronisation, that was way better than expected;
The "Niagara Falls";
How they managed to fit together such various bombs and still have a nice display
The show was way too short !


Posted: Aug 23, 2009 12:51:58


Merci pour le mal que tu te donnes à chaque soir pour filmer les feux de chacun des pays.
J'apprécie beaucoup.


Posted: Aug 23, 2009 12:57:58


Paul Csukassy était assisté d'Éric Cardinal de la firme montréalaise Ampleman, et non de l'Américain Erik Tucker.

Mais c'est sûrement une très belle fleur pour Éric Cardinal d'avoir été confondu avec son homonyme américain!


Posted: Aug 23, 2009 13:55:41

That is great news! I knew Canada would win. I was cheering out loud like Trav on his post!

Ah it's a great thing we got first place, and I managed to watch it. I find USA should have been under Canada and then China. But still Eric did manage to bring a great display into his hands. They well deserved it! Well done Royal!

Hope you all had a great year of watching the fireworks at La Ronde, until next year, this might as well be my last post. But I might say Hey once in a while.


Posted: Aug 23, 2009 15:33:06


Gagnons nous un prix pour l'exactitude de nos choix ????

Now that would be really nice, wouldn't it? hehe Yes, I appreciated the Canadian display a great deal as much as you did and was confident that they'd claim victory!

Congratulations to your exact order of picks for the winners as well. Nicely done, Roger!


Yes, I went a little wild the moment I heard that Canada had won first place, much like I did in 2003. lol
The tribute to Michael Jackson was enjoyable and made the closing much more epic in delivery. I thought the show was well devised. I loved the way everyone was screaming in Paul's video almost the entire time - a lot of them looked to be out of control (who could blame them?). I'm hoping that my wish will come true and a competitor for next year (2010) will dedicate a performance in honor of Michael Jackson. MICHAEL JACKSON FOREVER.

And now I must endure September to March all over again.


Posted: Aug 23, 2009 17:57:56   Edited by: Mylene Salvas

Aaaaaaaah ! Aren't we happy or what !?!
Soundtrack + Gold Jupiter ! Wahooooo !!!

And for once, i got 3 on 3 ! Well I shall say 4/4 with the soundtrack !

Excellent work from Paul Czukaasy and Eric Cardinal indeed. Eric who's celebrating his b-day today... What a gift he got himself last night

My last post concerning this 25th anniversary will follow, later on this week, on my blog.
Then, i'll be ready for the snow !

Happy fall/winter/spring eveyone !!!


Posted: Aug 23, 2009 21:18:41

Paul Csukassy était assisté d'Éric Cardinal de la firme montréalaise Ampleman, et non de l'Américain Erik Tucker.

Hahaha, désolé, j'ai confondu les Eric ! C'est corrigé.

Posted: Aug 23, 2009 21:20:08   Edited by: Smoke

Congratulations on your predictions as well, Mylene! I love it when the Special Jupiter is amongst the awards, as it makes things even more exciting, while possibly giving an additional team the chance to win something.

Happy fall/winter/spring eveyone !!!

Fall--> Winter--> Spring--> Summer-->

For some reason, I have a really good feeling about Montreal fireworks 2010.

EDIT: I don't expect any controversy about the 2009 official results!

Neither do I, Fred. The way I felt after last year's results was the complete opposite of the feeling I have presently. I suspect the same holds true for everyone on this forum.


Posted: Aug 23, 2009 21:23:09

La compétition s'est terminée de façon élégante hier, lors de l'hommage fait à Michael Jackson! Déjà une autre saison qui se termine, mais j'ai beaucoup apprécié l'abolition des spectacles du mercredi, allongeant ainsi la compétition jusqu'au 2/3 du mois d'août, rendant l'attente de la prochaine saison plus courte! J'espère que l'on adoptera cette pratique pour les nombreuses années futures!

Bravo au Canada pour le Jupiter d'Or....je suis tout à fait ravi!
Bravo aussi à tous les autres gagnants (Chine, USA et Australie) ainsi qu'aux participants de la compétition de cette année!

Dans un peu plus de trois mois seulement, les feux sur glace des samedis de décembre seront à nos portes...et la neige aussi! Ces spectacles sont devenus d'une qualité étonnante au cours des années et encore, j'assisterai à chacun d'eux!

Je souhaite à tous et à toutes dans ce forum, un très bel automne!


Posted: Aug 23, 2009 22:25:46   Edited by: Saluteness

For some reason, I have a really good feeling about Montreal fireworks 2010.

Me too Trav, I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Is it possible that IPON S.R.L. is coming back, and presenting next year? That's what I heard from a fellow pyrotechnician, who I'm keeping anonymous.

I'm not too sure if this is right, but if it is, I'm hoping not only me, but the entire FORUM goes to that display! The best spot I can honestly say is on Notre-Dame, you feel the power of those salutes! . If Benito Pagano gives us an IPON display, the shells won't be from his factory, that I'm aware of.

But my predictions for the countries next year is:

Spain or Portugal or maybe both
and Switzerland or Holland.

For Germany, as I'm sure they will compete next year, if it's Weco, I'm sure Paul will be there with his famous t-shirt of his. Not only that, but they make very enjoyable displays!

I sure do wish there were another finale like in Spain 2001, like Trav always talks about. From what I heard, it was insane and the finale ended in a catastrophic matter of shells and salutes (hence from Paul's report).

Let's all hope IPON, my favorite firm outside of Canada, will be there to give us another taste of what happened in 2004 (or if we're lucky, 1997! ).

Fall-->Winter-->Spring--> Summer-->
Fall won't be so bad with the symposium and all! Winter will be the worst , and spring, not so bad cause we know we will see something for summer!

Regards once again,

Posted: Aug 23, 2009 23:05:18

Fall won't be so bad with the symposium and all!

You mean the pyro Symposium ?

The 2009 one was in Mexico last April...
And will be in Portugal for fall 2010.

Posted: Aug 24, 2009 13:10:50

I sure do wish there were another finale like in Spain 2001, like Trav always talks about

Don't get me started on that. I'll just state that Spain 2001 was easily one of the scariest finales I've ever witnessed in 20 years. I think Igual has lost their touch in finishers in Montreal over the years, but at least their displays are still generally well presented.

I hope to see IPON return to the competition, especially considering that it will be six years by next season since their last participation. Another finale to remember : Italy 2004. 2004 was one of the best years for me.


Posted: Aug 24, 2009 18:15:48

I'll just state that Spain 2001 was easily one of the scariest finales I've ever witnessed in 20 years.

All of you talk about this finale, I can't imagine how it was. Does anybody has the video? I found the description in the report, but it's short, without sound, without image...

This display could be a great piece for the "Member Only Videos" section ;-) Maybe Paul could do the same he did with the Ipon in 2000 and Sunny in 2004 videos expanding the Special section.


Let's move on to another topic: the results.

I'm happy to see most of you were right with your choices. However I still think the English and the Argentinian displays were ( FOR ME) better.

Anyway a big CONGRATULATIONS for the winners!

Let's see what happen the next season. As somebody said I wish we could see Weco (or maybe another German company) and IPON in the shedule. But we have to wait at least until December...

Before to finish I would like to render thanks to Paul for this web page and this forum. The season is over, but not the web page !!!!!!!


Posted: Aug 26, 2009 01:24:51   Edited by: Saluteness

Alright, a bunch of replies to go over


You mean the pyro Symposium ?

The 2009 one was in Mexico last April...
And will be in Portugal for fall 2010.

My mistake, I meant on the internet. We could still all browse videos on YouTube. Speaking of which, Vander should let us know what he's been up to. I wonder if he's choreographing another display at the Mall Of Asia.

At out of curiosity, has anyone heard from Trae? Either he's been posting and I need a pair of glasses, or he hasn't been on in a long while. Can you let us know Paul? Just odd cause last year he posted alot of his comments on topics and stuff.


Don't get me started on that. I'll just state that Spain 2001 was easily one of the scariest finales I've ever witnessed in 20 years. I think Igual has lost their touch in finishers in Montreal over the years, but at least their displays are still generally well presented.

I hope to see IPON return to the competition, especially considering that it will be six years by next season since their last participation. Another finale to remember : Italy 2004. 2004 was one of the best years for me.

I do have a YouTube channel, so you can send me a message explaining and save some space from here to let the others who haven't posted their thoughts on the results . And I'll take your word for that display. But from my thought, IPON in 2004 must have been better than Igual in 2001. Defenetley! My finale-enjoyment has always come from Benito's stunning finales! And no one can disagree! Mwahaha (Refrenced from Vander's posts in the earlier years )
The most scariest finales I must have either been IPON in 2004, USA last year or USA this year. Because other than those 3 finales, every finale since 2004 aside from those other finales haven't made my ears hurt that much at all. Canada did manage to pop my ears for about 2 minutes due to those huge shells. But easier said than done by saying IPON has presented one of the most powerful finales at La Ronde in my books!


I'm happy to see most of you were right with your choices. However I still think the English and the Argentinian displays were ( FOR ME) better.

I agree! But my vote was casted for Argentina, with the help of Benito Pagano (wasn't it? ), I think their finale resembled almost like an Italian finale. Where as Pains, was quite lacking a big finish, but like Paul mentioned before, we don't need BIG finales. But that is what makes the crowd go wild! I really enjoyed those 3 displays (the winners) and China really was unlucky with the rain and all.

Let's see what happen the next season. As somebody said I wish we could see Weco (or maybe another German company) and IPON in the shedule. But we have to wait at least until December...

I'd like to see Weco put a display on for us. But I'd rather IPON, anyday! I might not be the biggest IPON fan on this forum, but I am certainly the biggest fan of Studata Lambi's! Especially in IPON finales, that's what gets the chests thumping and the floor rumbling, never mind the tiny salutes below. The big guns above are what control it all! (I wish there was an 'Arnold Swarzanegger muscles' emoticon to pizzaz the 'big guns' Eh well, all we can do is wait to see who is up and running next year.


Posted: Aug 26, 2009 05:05:49

I think that the argentinian display was not connected in anyway with Benito Pagano... I think there's a lot more companies in italy that could compete in montreal... Such as Scarpato, VACALLUZZO, La Rosa etc. As for Weco.... Never been a fan of their displays except for their 2004 show in montreal I hope Sweden comes back though


Posted: Aug 26, 2009 09:57:06

As for Weco.... Never been a fan of their displays

Me neither. 2004 was their best year. I wouldn't want them to take part in the competition. But if they were chosen next year. I wouldn't mind at all.

I think that the argentinian display was not connected in anyway with Benito Pagano

The shells in the finale resembled as Benito's shells. But it's true, many Italian shells all look the same. So you never know until your told by the setup crew or the shell maker themselve.

I'd like to see Di Matteo with their stutata's that they send to Benito, due to the tragic accident in 2005.

I'm hoping for IPON!


Posted: Aug 26, 2009 22:45:38

This is it. Season's over...

See Mylene et Artifice for my recap. This season has been very enjoyable, but also a lot of work for me, so you won't mind i'm taking some time off, right ?

I'll be reading your conversation tho. There's a limit at taking some time off


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