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L'International des Feux Loto-Québec 2006
Montréal International Fireworks Competition Report

Portugal Rock on Fire July 12th, 2006

Macedo's Pirotecnia - designed by Carlos Macedo, FireMaster firing (45 48 cue modules)

Montréal, July 11, 2006 - Macedo's Pirotecnia will light up the Montréal sky at 10 p.m. on Wednesday, July 12, with its first-ever presentation at L'International des Feux Loto-Québec presented by TELUS, with a performance called 'Rock on Fire.'

Featuring a dynamic rock 'n' roll theme coloured by a few quieter moments, the show promises to thrill the biggest of fans - both young and young-at-heart - who share a passion for a music that spans all time. From classic rock to a more metallic sound, spectators will be entertained by the rhythms of Queen, The Beatles and Pink Floyd, as well as the Portuguese band Quinta Do Bill, to name but a few.

Wednesday's show promises to be both colourful and explosive, as silver, gold and bronze combine with other colours inspired at the time the show was created. 'Our pieces will be very rhythmical and musical,' noted Carlos Macedo, the company's General Manager. In order to create highly appealing and specific effects, the company will rely on candles, smoke pots, volcanoes, screamers, bees, big and small maroons, as well as whistling pieces and a few mainly acoustic pieces. According to Mr. Macedo, four selections will be very acoustic. The powerful and sublime finale will be produced by a colourful and rhythmical shower of fireworks.

Macedo's Pirotecnia was created 74 years ago by Joaquim Macedo, Carlos's grandfather. Carlos and his three brothers work together in the family company. Macedo's Pirotecnia, which participates in close to 400 shows per year, has two other companies that focus on the production of fireworks as well as on development and design (PYROFEL). Mr. Macedo added that he has long dreamed of participating in Montréal's fireworks competition and that because it is the biggest contest of its kind in the world, all pyrotechnics companies are eager to take part in the event.

Damp weather didn't dampen enthusiasm for a new team from Portugal and what rain that threatened earlier held off until well after the display was over. The first Wednesday presentation of the competition had a reasonably large audience and the slack winds were of sufficient velocity and direction to keep the display area clear of smoke.

Part 1 to the music Eye of the tiger by Survivor. A line of strobes opened up on ramp three. Then dramatic wide fan mines on the notes in sequences, moving in pairs from the outside left and right and inwards towards the centre, then a large fan of comets from ramp 4 and the mines of gold glitter strobes moved outwards again on the chords, then back in to another fan of comets on ramp 4. A front of gold glitter fan mines was followed by glitter comet shells, turning to dripping silver. This theme continued and was followed by blue tipped crossed glitter candles, which were then augmented by large glitter shells above. Volleys of the glitter shells continued and were followed by shells of thicker silver comets. Next, shells of red crossette stars and then shells of glitter comets turning to red above. These were followed by cakes of screaming whistles and then big gold fans in the centre on ramp 4 as the whistling serpent cakes continued. Above these, shells of silver stars. These were followed by bombette candles of silver kamuro with shells of blue above and then shells of strobes, bringing the segment to a close.

Part 2 to the music Bed of Roses by Bon Jovi. A line of strobes lit up on ramp three and four and then gold girandolas rose into the air, bursting into stars at their zenith. Flight after flight of girandolas rose serenely into the air and were followed by fans of meteor comet candles with dazzling colours. Above these, shells of mixed orange and yellow. These were followed by fans of pink headed comet candles which were augmented by shells of farfalles with strobing comet pistils. The farfalles continued and were followed by pale blue shells of crossettes and then shells of blue with gold dahlia comets alternating with shells of thick silver comets ending in strobes. Large gold fans came from ramp four as kamuro shells burst above, trailing to the lake. Short duration gold gerbs fired on ramp three and were followed by a line of fountains. Suddenly, a front of mines of comets turning to strobes and then shells of strobes above. The strobe shells continued with more and more and larger ones until the air was filled with strobes, bringing the segment to a close as the strobes twinkled down to the lake.

Part 3 to the music I Want it All by Queen. A huge silver on ramp four with dripping silver comets crossing left and right on ramp three opened this segment as large silver shells burst above. These were followed by silver dripping comet bombettes. Then mines of serpents as the bombettes continued above and shells of go-getter silver comets fired above those. The bombettes and em>go-getter silver comet shells continued and then were replaced by the same in gold. Beneath these, thick crossed comet candles with mines of go-getters in-between. These were augmented by shells of electric comets and then a return to the silver dripping comet bombettes with go-getter star shells above. This theme continued and then the crossed comets became strobing comets with mines of dripping comets as the go-getters continued above. Two fronts of thick dripping comet mines. were followed by more strobing charcoal comet candles and then a line of wheels started to spin on ramp 3, changing colour for a second burn. Shells of crossing stars fired above as screaming whistles rose from below. More fronts of silver mines with barrages of shells above as the wheels continued. Huge barrages of nautical shells burst on the lake shooting kamuro comets and causing me to write WOW in my notes. The wheels continued as more nautical shells burst to cheers from the audience. Charcoal comet fans crossed from left and right and then wider fans of strobing comets as more nautical shells filled the lake with shells bursting above too. The nautical bombardment contined, as did the charcoal comets and shells above, the segment coming to a close with just charcoal comet shells to loud cheers from the audience.

Part 4 to the music Let it be by The Beatles. Shells of bright falling leaves brought calm back to the display, first in bright red, and then green. These continued and were augmented by shells of strobes. The strobe shell and green falling leaf theme continued as the green falling leaves were replaced by orange with shells of go-getters above. Then orange falling leaves with more go-getter at high altitude with strobes lower, bringing this serene segment to a close.

Part 5 to the music Setima Legião by Setima Legião. Note synchronized fans of bright gold strobing comets in left and right moving pair sequences were augmented by white shells above. Then bombette candles of silver dripping comets with silver comet studatas above these. This theme continued and was followed by bombette candles of gold strobes and shells above these. A return to the sequenced pairs of gold strobing comet fans which were quickly augmented by bombette candles of gold strobes. Then silver dripping comet bombettes with large titanium salutes fired rhythmically above and shells of crossing stars above these. Then studatas of gold comets turning to blue and studatas of silver comets. Next, shells of crossettes in orange and white with crossed fans of screaming whistling serpents below as large shells of orange and white burst above. A return to the crossettes with shells of crossing stars as well, bringing the segment to a fairly serene close.

Part 6 to the music Another Brick in the Wall by Pink Floyd. A huge front of mines of screaming serpents and angled silver dripping comets were followed by a large fan of comets on ramp 4 and then more angled dripping comets alternating between right and left. Shells of silver dripping comets and orange go-getters formed a theme that continued for some time and were followed by mine fronts below as just silver dripping comet shells continued above. Then shells of go-getters and a return to the left and right angled dripping comets and fans on ramp 4. Back to the mix of dripping comet and go-getter shells continuing for the rest of the segment and filling the sky.

Part 7 to the music 2.a à 6.a Feira by Quinta Do Bill. A sea-shanty sort of jaunty music theme was emphasized by meteor comets fired left and right on the notes, causing people to tap their feet in time with the music. As the pace increased, shells of comets turning to strobes fired above. Then double farfalle shells with strobing pistils mixed with glitter to strobe shells. Next, alternating bombette and salute candles with electric comet shells above. These were followed by shells of white comets and orange pistils and shells of salute-terminated tourbillons. Next, crossed salute-terminated comet candles and candles of screaming whistles and farfalle shells with strobing pistils above. Electric comet shells then added into the mix and shells of strobes at a higher level. This became salute terminated comet candles at a low level, electric comet shells at mid level and strobes above these. As the pace of the music, the volleys increased with lots of salutes, the segment coming to a close with silver kamuro shells and mines of comets and whistles.

Part 8 to the music Eat the Rich by Aerosmith. Huge fans of comets with crossettes above these were followed by fronts of screaming whistles with great synchronization. The comet and crossette fans continued left and right on the notes with screaming whistles in between and then barrages of shells above as the whistles continued below. Then huge shells of gold kamuro comets trailing to the lake. Fast sequenced fans of comets from ramp 4 on rapid drum rolls made the audience cheer as blue shells burst above again. Well synchronized shell bursts continued and then were replaced by shells of glitter brocade, filling the sky to cheers from the audience. A burst of bright shells and then fans of silver dripping comets left and right and in the centre and a return to the mine fans of comets and crossettes. Gold glitter nautical shells then burst on the lake going out of control and causing cheers and another large WOW in my notes! The music moved seamlessly to

Part 9 to the music Hurricane 2000 by Scorpions. Large glitter shells with pistils then burst above and were followed by high crossette comet candles and then bombettes with silver comet shells above. Back to glitter comet shells and then a massive barrage of blue shells. Meteor comet candles fired below with bombettes too as kamuro shells burst above these. The sky was filled with kamuros and large titanium salutes and then a final front of screaming mines and salutes, bringing the display to a close to cheers from the audience, who rose to their feet to give the Portuguese team a well deserved standing ovation.

This was a fabulous display from the debutant Portuguese team. Incredible use was made of the lake with outstanding nautical shells. The quality and brilliance of the other shells used in the display was superb and there was sufficient variation in rhythm and pace to make the display enjoyable. The audience responded with great enthusiasm and the team received a well deserved standing ovation in the press room afterwards. At this point in the competition, the Portuguese team must surely be on the winner's podium.


Thanks to the public relations people of La Ronde for the official press release material, shown in white.