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Posted: Jul 27, 2003 10:37:35

Please post your personal ranking of this year's competition. Mine will be up here later today.


Posted: Jul 27, 2003 11:08:27

i really cant say im stuck at canada vs united states vs australia, and maybe england

i can say that canada and united states r going strong for me

Posted: Jul 27, 2003 11:39:54

Okay lets go with the long shot...

United states

But they are so close that many could win

Posted: Jul 27, 2003 13:21:42

lets say


Posted: Jul 27, 2003 13:55:44

ti white
I'l go for Canada first Chine second and
Austrlia Third

Posted: Jul 27, 2003 22:18:01

I say it should be,

United States

Posted: Jul 27, 2003 22:30:58

Personally in my opinion I think the timing was perfect for the United States and the music choices and presentation could not be beat.

Canada presented a very nice show also but I did notice some misses on the timing.

Australia had a very nice presentation but timing was off and the music was a little harsh.

After watching all the shows I would say #1 United States,
#2 Canada and #3 Australia

Posted: Jul 28, 2003 08:22:26

I'm still giving some thought to my rankings, both my personal choice and what I think the jury result will be.

It is certainly very close at the top this year and there are six displays that deserve to be in the top three:

Hong Kong, Italy, Australia, US, Canada, UK.

Both Hong Kong and the UK had some bad luck, either technical problems or weather, so this will probably have an impact on their final position. That leaves Italy, Australia, the US and Canada as the displays with no technical or weather related problems. I think the final result will come down to the music.

At some point later today, I will have a full set of reviews for all the displays and will post my final opinion then.


Posted: Jul 28, 2003 08:57:30

It was a tight compatition this year and out of the 9 displays, 6 were very well done. These 6 were China(Hong Kong), Italy, U.S, England, Australia and especially Canada! My personal choice would definately have to be Canada in first place, then Italy and I'm a little skeptical about who should be in 3rd, but I think it would either be Australia or the U.S, let alone that England and China were also very good, but due to the weather problems for England and some technical difficulties for China, they may have smaller chance of making it to the podium.

Weather-wise, it was one of the best years that I had ever seen since I had been going to the competition since 1990. Canada is usually the unlucky one. I believe that 5 years in a row they had rain!!!

As a final note to my predictions, I did think that by far Canada was flawless. Ending was the best and the most breathtaking, good choice of music, good effects of the lake and synchranazation was very good and they were loud and had never ending action. Italy was another one. Their final was also incredible not to mention the rest of the display. Those two countries are definately the top 2. Have to be winners, for sure!!!!!

I don't know if you noticed, but Canada had massive amounts of smoke, I wonder what that was about. I thought it was part of special effects. reply soon.

Posted: Jul 28, 2003 09:37:29   Edited by: Show Director

Sin duda fue una competencia muy reñida....hubo grandes sorpresas y tambien grandes errores, y despues de todo creo que estará muy disputado el podium por:
E.U.A, Italia, Inglaterra.....mmmm talvez tambien por Canada y/ Australia
A mi, me gustaria que quedara en esta forma, (esto es mi juicio, nada mas)

1.- E.U.A
2.- Italia
3.- Inglaterra
y talvez Austalia se coloque muy cerca de estos puestos.

Espero les haya gustado esta competencia como a su servidor.....Solo falta Panzera, y nos vemos el proximo cumpleaños de Le Mondial SAQ.

Posted: Jul 28, 2003 10:21:43

À la fin de mes interventions relatives à chacun des feux présentés cette année, j'ai inscrit le pointage attribué à chaque performance sur un total de 40 points. Dans le palmarès ci-dessous, des révisions ont été apportées à la note attribuée initialement à deux spectacles.

Premièrement, suite à la prestation de l'Angleterre, j'ai dû révisé à la baisse la note attribuée aux États-Unis. Puisque "Lady Marmalade" et "Sandstorm" se retrouvaient dans les deux spectacles, j'ai réduit les points accordés à Atlas Pyrovision Productions concernant l'originalité de la bande sonore. Cette modification mineure n'affecte toutefois pas la position des États-Unis au classement final. La note passe de 35,89 à 35,72/40.

Deuxièmement, j'ai revu à la hausse la note attribuée au spectacle d'Arc en ciel (France). Le pointage établi initialement (31,17/40) est trop sévère compte tenu des notes attribuées par la suite aux autres spectacles. En corrigeant le pointage que j'avais octroyé à cette firme pour la qualité et l'originalité de la mise en scène, ainsi que la sophistication, l'originalité et la diversité des pièces, j'attribue finalement une note de 31,62 points.

Voici mon classement personnel pour cette 19e édition du Concours international d'art pyrotechnique de Montréal:

1. "Roméo et Juliette", par Explosive Entertainment International (Australie): 36,13/40.
2. "Symphonie pyrotechnique" par Atlas Pyrovision Productions (États-Unis): 35,72/40.
3. "Cartes postales de Hong Kong" par Pyromagic Productions (Hong Kong, Chine): 35,70/40.
4. "Le ciel ne peut attendre" par Royal Pyrotechnie (Canada): 35,66/40.
5. "Mélodie de feu" par Parente Fireworks (Italie): 34,87/40.
6. "Une soirée au cinéma" par Kimbolton Fireworks (Angleterre): 33,19/40.
7. "Moments magiques" par Pirotecnia Minhota (Portugal): 32,57/40.
8. "Parfums de femmes - Femmes, je vous aime..." par Arc en ciel (France): 31,62/40.
9. "Les constrastes du Sud", par Cienfuegos (Argentine): 31,47/40.

Quelques mots concernant ce classement personnel... Il me semble clair que l'Australie a offert un spectacle exceptionnel, notamment en développant un concept raffiné, original et audacieux autour du récit de Roméo et Juliette. Malgré les problèmes de déploiement lors du dernier tableau du feu chinois, j'accorderais un Jupiter de bronze à la Chine car la qualité et l'originalité de l'ensemble du spectacle étaient assez importantes pour compenser cette lacune technique. Toutefois, rarement ai-je attribué un pointage aussi serré entre des concurrents. À mon avis, il y a très peu de différences entre la 2e et la 5e position... mais il n'y a que trois prix!

Le jury a déjà fait son choix puisque c'est après le dernier feu en compétition, le soir même, que chaque membre doit remettre son pointage final. Quel sera le résultat officiel? En raison du caractère exceptionnel de cette compétition, il est très difficile de prédire précisément le choix du jury, mais le tout se jouera entre la Chine, l'Italie, l'Australie, les États-Unis et le Canada.

Je crois que les firmes qui ont réalisé leur spectacle plus récemment sont favorisées, toute autre chose étant égale par ailleurs. La Chine sera d'autant plus défavorisée que je soupçonne le jury de lui attribuer une (trop) grande pénalité pour les problèmes rencontrés pendant la finale. L'Italie pourrait néanmoins obtenir un Jupiter d'argent ou de bronze: certains tableaux ont frappé l'imaginaire, la bande sonore était composée de classiques qui remportent toujours du succès et le jury devrait être relativement insensible au manque d'originalité du choix musical.

Pour le Jupiter d'or, j'ose croire que le jury aura eu une évaluation semblable à la mienne et qu'il sera octroyé à l'Australie!

Posted: Jul 28, 2003 15:13:25   Edited by: fireworksforum

OK, finally here are my rankings this year, click on the link below for all the details:

Paul's rankings

Just to summarize, here's my personal choice:

Gold Jupiter : USA
Silver Jupiter: Canada
Bronze Jupiter: Hong Kong

And my prediction for the Jury's results:

Gold Jupiter: USA
Silver Jupiter: Canada
Bronze Jupiter: Italy

Bronze could very well go to Australia though.


Posted: Jul 28, 2003 18:19:43

Lâche pas ton push fred hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahah


Posted: Jul 28, 2003 19:55:49

News Flash,
Due to Quebec Politics as usual the US show which was rated at the top and was a perfect flawless show, Has not made the top three, But Hong kong whom had fatal failures in the final minute of their show and lost over 800 shells made it in, could this be because the Choreographer is from Quebec? also I see that Canada is a shoe in for the Gold what a coincidence, this tastes very bad!!

Posted: Jul 28, 2003 20:44:10

Anonymous r u serious about the US thing? or just joking?

what does Quebec Politics have to do with mondial saq lol

Posted: Jul 28, 2003 20:52:28

I would be very surprised if this is the case. Look at how many times the US has won the Gold Jupiter in the past 10 years (4 times). Also, it is not true that Hong Kong lost 800 shells. I know for a fact that the jury take their task very seriously and would not, for a moment, consider politics. Remember that music is a large part of the final result and that the jury are spread across the age range. It could be that what younger people think of as popular music doesn't rate so highly with some members of the jury.

We will see on Wednesday. The sad fact is that there were six displays worthy of a Jupiter and only three will be awarded so there is bound to be some bitterness.


Posted: Jul 28, 2003 21:02:36

yeah i agree with Paul, specially since they won gold many times

Anonymous, i would image u were joking about it, that would really worry me if it was true

Posted: Jul 28, 2003 21:07:59

you must be one of fred friends are you!!!!!!!!
ha ha is that you again?

Posted: Jul 28, 2003 21:11:52


Hope this is not serious...

If you say right canada will just have finally make it since all these years. And they worth it as I think.

For China... I dont know, but losing bomb the way people have telled us (without any control by the pyrotechnicians)can not be a fatal issue for them. Insurrance call this kind of thing "act of god". except for that 90 seconds (5% of the timing of the show), they did a great show.

But I didnt see the us show so I cannot compare and my comment is useless. But I think that the attack against the organisation and the judges who can prefer a company because of poilitc meaning is not ok.

6 teams have maked great shows, but only 3 will got the trophy. I am sorry if the show you like the most is not going to get it. But I think it is part of the game.

Posted: Jul 28, 2003 21:18:08


lo, lets just wait for wednesday..

Posted: Jul 28, 2003 21:55:57

Hi, it's me, Trav.

Thanks for telling me about the smoke event that took place in the Canadian display, I'll keep that in mind next time I see smoke like that. thanx a lot! And thanx for telling me where you watch the fireworks.

Anyway, I was reading your predictions and i somewhat agree with you, except that Canada should be in 1st place. I hope the jury likes their choice of music! lol

It was a very tight competition this year and it will be extremely difficult for the judges to decide the winners. To bad England had to get the worst of luck, I really enjoyed their performance. You do know everything would have went well if they started on time. There was no precipitation whatsoever during the 10:00 to 10:30 P.M period. Stupid wind! I guess it's safety first.lol

Usually Canada gets rain in the recent years, especially in 1995.They had bad luck for about 4 to 5 years in a row!!! It was even forecasted this tear too, but fortunately, nothing happened and the skies remained overcast, otherwise, it would have been a disaster.

Anyway, I'm rooting for Canada to win, if not, then hopefully Italy, well as long as these two countries are on the podium! I also liked the U.S, they were very intense, not to mention Australia. Australia would no doubtly be perfect if the ending was more longer and intense although it didn't seem like an ending. I wished they did something like in 2000. That year they just wouldn't stop firing due to the fast pased music. That was just WOW for me. The whole thing seemed like the ending!!!As for the U.S, very good choice of music,loud, powerful just like in recent years since I've seen them. Only tiny problem was that the ending could have been a bit longer. China wasn't bad either, just the ending due to technical difficulties.

Since I've been coming since 1990, this is one of the most tightest competitions!Anyway all that's been said, I hope Canada wins. My personal choice would be:

England:3rd so can be Australia and the U.S. and possibly China/Hong Kong.

What do you think about my choice?

But still in all the 12 to 13 years I've been attending the competition, I still think that SPAIN is the king of them all. The Spanish really know how to stir you up with excitement. Maybe that's why they won so much in the past. Anyway, my second question is what happened to them?!!!! Did they dissapear? I haven't seen them since 2001 and man was that ever a show! The faux finale was so intense and falsely believed that was the end but did they ever give a real ending. Up to this day, I still cannot believe what they did. They did win that year and I can see why. It was simply amazing. They won at least something everytime they played, but I think they took the most gold Jupiters in the competition's history. I remember.

So ya, please reply soon about what you think about my predictions and your response on Spain and what you think happened to them. I'm eager to hear your response.

Go Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted: Jul 29, 2003 07:32:50

My final choice of position was determined by the music - I liked the music the US used more than that of Canada. In terms of pure fireworks, both displays were exceptional, but in different ways and it is hard to chose between them. The US had the dramatic colour changes and some other interesting effects, but didn't use the lake much. Canada used the lake well but didn't quite have the dynamic range that the US had - so there is really nothing to chose between them. As I always say in my final summary, my musical preferences are different to others and so that is what determined the final order for me.

As for Spain, you're quite correct. They are absolute masters of the art of pyrotechnics and are tying with the US for the most number of Gold Jupiters. For individual companies, Pirotécnia Caballer have won the most Jupiters. You may well end up surprised and pleased next year, that's all I can say

For technical difficulties in a display, unfortunately these cannot be discounted by the jury. It is simply the truth that "everything has to be alright on the night". A theoretical performance is not enough - I know it sounds harsh, but that is how it has to be. Take the case of China in 1998 - it was a fabulous display with an excellent theme and would, in my opinion, have won Gold if it hadn't have been for the technical problems.

For sure it's going to be an interesting and probably contentious result tomorrow. There's no way that the six deserving displays can all win and, as I've said, I'm sure the final result will be dictated by the music as much as anything else, since, pyrotechnically, all the displays were very close in terms of quality. What a great year!


Posted: Jul 29, 2003 08:59:17

i heard in 2000 on Cite rock detent that Spain won more than USA

yes its weird i always thought that USA was the best at fireworks, but i agree Spain is best

Posted: Jul 29, 2003 09:14:42

Spain has won more Jupiters of all types. In terms of Gold Jupiters (and not including this year), Spain has 4 and the US has 6.

A full list of all the winners since the competition began is here

Also, don't forget that the US is a much bigger country than Spain so, in theory, there will be more fireworks companies - though, of course, the Spanish are very well known for their fireworks and I'm not sure how many companies each country has. Finally, many of the well known US fireworks companies were started by Italian immigrants - and Italy is another great pyro country.


Posted: Jul 29, 2003 10:18:49

I don't think Canada would win since there was a lot of smoke. It was really blocking the firework.

Posted: Jul 29, 2003 11:39:00

That depends where you watch from! I can tell you that from where the judges sit, there was no smoke blocking the display at all, in fact, the viewing conditions were perfect!


Posted: Jul 29, 2003 12:22:19

yes Anonymous
there was alot ALOT of smoke, i was watching on the bridge, from la ronde's entrer

in the beggining, it was blocking the fireworks, there was a huge huge amount of smoke, and the wind was very slow too

but Paul is right, it does depend from where ure watching it

example if the wind blows in la rondes direction, then the ppl of la ronde have trouble seening, but we on pont Jacque Cartier we can see the fireworks very well

so yeah its the wind's direction, heh

Posted: Jul 29, 2003 12:31:03

Hey Paul, it's Trav again.

So far I had my eye on the weather and it's turning out to be very good. The forecast is calling for temperatures ranging from 25 to 28 degrees with cloudy periods and 10% probability of precipitation tomorrow...........That is....so far. Things can very well change.
But looks good none the less. I don't think anything will happen. The only thing I have to still wait to look out for is tomorrow evening's forecast, but it should be ok. When I find out, I will fill you in. No need to worry.

By the way, I'm glad that you guys agree that Spain is usually such a great show, I mean GREAT!! And yes Italy and the U.S and Canada usually also puts up great shows, but lets hope Spain comes back next year and has a show similar or better to the performance they did in 2001.

I'm still hoping Canada will win 1st, but I wouldn't be upset if they place 2nd, either one is fine with me. I hope the smoke wouldn't be taken into consideration and I hope the judges like the music. You're right, music is heavily judged for the displays, but their soundtrack wasn't all that bad and I thought it went well with the fireworks. Then again like you said, we all have different tastes in music and it stirs us up in different ways, but anyway.

Canada all the way!!!!

I just have a question. Besides winning the Gold, Silver and Bronze Jupiters, is there any grand prize money for winning involved? Please reply soon, oh yeah,I will tell you later on ths evening about tomorrow evening's forecast. Please reply soon, Byeeeeeeeee.


Posted: Jul 29, 2003 12:45:14

There's no prizes involving money, unlike some other competitions. I think the approach taken here makes the most sense - spend all of the money on the fireworks, not on the prizes. Of course, the Jupiters do cost something to make, but it is small compared to the budget for the competition as a whole.

So companies are just competing for the prestige of winning, which, one could argue, is the highest honour there is.


Posted: Jul 29, 2003 13:03:03


environnement canada says 30% rain, and meteomedia says 10%, theres nothing about 2morow night

they will mention it 2night for 2morow night

so if u look at it 30% and 10%, i doubt anything could happen 2morow night, u know they will tell u 30% 40% but as always nothing happens

so for the night, i doubt any rain will come, i dont think it will change since were close to wednesday

so looks like good!!!
lets just enjoy 2morow, my cousin is also coming from Belgum 2morow morning , so i hope ill make it to jean drapeau thro all this
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